Fork from:
wget -qO- | sh
- use of the mouse
- cursor line
- line numbers
- highlight search
- incremental search
- smart case search
- highlighting of trailing spaces
- right margin line
- easier moving of code blocks - just select several lines of code and then press '<' or '>' several times
- wombat256mod colorscheme
For more features provided by the included plugins, please see the documentation for each of them.
- <F2> -- Quick write session.
- <F3> -- Quick load session.
- <F4> -- Toggle paste mode.
- <Ctrl+p> -- Run CtrlP.
- ,a -- Run Ack.
- ,cc -- Comment selected code.
- ,cu -- Uncomment selected code.
- ,t -- Run NERD Tree.
- <Ctrl+j> -- Move cursor to window below the current one.
- <Ctrl+k> -- Move cursor to window above the current one.
- <Ctrl+l> -- Move cursor to window right of the current one.
- <Ctrl+h> -- Move cursor to window left of the current one.
- <Ctrl+w n> -- Creates a new window above the current one.
- <Ctrl+w s> -- Splits the current window -- creates a new window editing the same file as the current window.
- <Ctrl+w o> -- Make the current window the only window (close all other windows).
- ,n -- Previous tab.
- ,m -- Next tab.
- 9 Enhancements to Shell and Vim Productivity
- hynek/vim-python-pep8-indent
- kien/tabman.vim
- klen/python-mode
- onjin/vim-startup
- tomislater/dotfiles
- spf13/spf13-vim
- yodiaditya/vim-pydjango
- vimpdb
- My vi/vim cheatsheet
- snipMate - TextMate-style snippets for Vim
- python.vim - Enhanced version of the python syntax highlighting script
- pythoncomplete - Python Omni Completion