- Written in pure JavaScript ES6/ES7 tested with Jest (Jasmine underneath)
git clone [email protected]:szilveszter9/RockPaperScissors.git
cd RockPaperScissors
npm install
- Run each script in a separate terminal
npm run bundle:scripts
npm run bundle:styles
npm run bundle:static
- Start
npm start
- Open in your browser
- This script is watching the dist/ folder but includes from the src/ folder
(makes it easier to manage the test coverage do not have to deal with sourcemaps)
npm test
- Npm test will generate the report in
- Caveat: The current process has some issues with the
column with ES6, other columns are fine - http://szilveszter9.github.io/coverage/ (please ignore the
- Players' symbolic images to the sides on the rule's image
- Fix transition on click on next button in the Computer vs Computer game
- New features like collecting badges
- Support Retina display
- Support Safari
- More inspects in functional tests
- Selenium test in real browsers
- Separate bundle for MSIE with es6-shim (other browsers do not need the shim)
- Soak test to reveal memory leaks if any later on
- Fix on MSIE 8
- Please find in the ARCHITECTURE.md file
- Because it is faster and keeps more discipline (no setTimeouts)
- Side note: still need to have tests run in real browsers
- Because it works very well for all the edgecases as well and it is fast
- Could be transpiled to callbacks / promises / generators
- Side note: $return is not standard in Async/Await
- Because it's more likely to be the standard in modern browsers in the future
- Image sources are from the internet, for demo purpose only
- various display sizes
- Chromium 51
- Firefox 46
- Opera 37
- Microsoft Edge 25
- Microsoft Explorer 9, 10, 11