Gear Formula - Gear Worm
- Worm Gear Mesh Geometry-Document
- Calculations of Internal Gears and The Fundamentals of Helical Gears, Elements of Metric Gear Technology (Cont.)
- Gear Types and Axial Arrangements; Details of Involute Gearing, Elements of Metric Gear Technology (Cont.)
gcc -o worm worm.c -lm
Usage: ./worm -zw 2.000000 -zg 30.000000 -mx 2.540000 -an 0.349067 -dw 20.000000
-zw No. of Threads
-zg No. of Teeth
-mx Module
-an Normal Pressure Angle
-dw Diameter of Worm
-xg Coefficient of Profile Shift
-clr Coefficient of Clearance
-ft Tangential force (kgf)
-n Revolution Per Minuts (rpm)
-zm Lubrication Factor Zm
-zl Lubricant Factor, ZL
-zr Surface Roughness Factor, ZR
-kc Contact Factor, Kc
-ks Starting Factor, Ks
-kh Time Factor, Kh
-bzf Basic Zone Factor
-sc Allowable Stress Factor, Sc lim
Kv 0.601237 Zm 1.000000 Kn 0.358904 Z 1.564000
Diameter Factor : 7.874016
Lead-Worm: 15.959328
Lead Angle : 14.251708
Length of worm with teeth : 40.696286
Working blank width of worm gear : 15.132957
Coefficient of Clearance : 0.250000
Coefficient of Profile Shift : 0.000000
Axial Normal Radial
Module: 2.540000 2.461828 10.000000
Pressure Angle: 20.582547 20.000000 55.926242
Pitch: 7.979664 7.734077 31.416000
Pitch Diameter-Worm : 20.000000 20.000000 20.000000
Pitch Diameter-Gear : 76.200000 76.200000 76.200000
Addendum-Worm : 2.540000 2.461828 10.000000
Addendum-Gear : 2.540000 2.461828 10.000000
Whole Depth : 5.715000 5.539112 22.500000
Working Depth : 5.080000 4.923655 20.000000
Top Clearance : 0.635000 0.615457 2.500000
Outside Diameter-Worm : 25.080000 24.923655 40.000000
Outside Diameter-Gear : 83.820000 83.585483 106.200000
Throat Diameter : 81.280000 24.923655 40.000000
Throat Surface Radius : 7.460000 7.538172
Root Diameter-Worm : 13.650000 13.845431
Root Diameter-Gear : 69.850000 13.845431
Center Distance: 48.100000 48.100000 48.100000
----------------------- Thickness --------------------
Circular Tooth Thickness-Worm : 3.989832 3.867039
Circular Tooth Thickness-Gear : 3.989832 3.867039
No of Teeth in an equivalent spur gear: 32.949554 32.949554
Half of tooth angle at pich circle : 2.731448 2.731448
Chordal Thickness - Worm : 3.867039 3.748024
Chordal Thickness - Gear : 3.865574 3.746605
Chordal Addendum - Worm : 2.552060 2.473156
Chordal Addendum - Gear : 2.586079 2.506489
----------------------- Force --------------------
Nominal tangential force on worm gear's pitch circle (kgf) 0.450000 < 70.274341
Nominal torque of worm gear (kg * m) 0.017145 < 2.677452
gcc -o spur spur.c -lm
Usage: ./spur -m 3.000000 -a 0.349067 -zp 12.000000 -zg 24.000000 -xp 0.600000 -xg 0.360000
-m Module
-a Pressure Angle
-zp Number of teeth-Pinion
-zg Number of teeth-Gear
-xp Coefficient of Profile Shift-Pinion
-xg Coefficient of Profile Shift-Gear
Module: 3.000000
Number of teeth: 12.000000 24.000000
Pressure Angle: 20.000000
Coefficient of Profile Shift: 0.600000 0.360000
Involute function: 0.034316
Working Pressure Angle: 26.078125
Center Distance Increment Factor: 0.831615
Center Distance: 56.494844
Pitch Diameter: 36.000000 72.000000
Base Diameter: 33.828924 67.657849
Working Pitch Diameter: 37.663229 75.326458
Addendum: 3.694844 4.414844
Whole Depth: 6.364844
Dedendum: 2.670000 1.950000
Working Depth: 6.000000
Outside Diameter: 43.389687 80.829687
Outside Diameter: 28.610313 63.170313
Top Clearance: 0.750000
Circular Pitch: 9.424800
Pitch Prependicular to Tooth: 8.465308
Base Pitch: 8.465308
Tooth Thickness at Standard pitch Diameter: 4.712400
Contact Ratio: 1.226579
Min No of Teeth for Undercutting: 10.349517
gcc -o rack rack.c -lm
Usage: ./rack -m 3.000000 -a 0.349067 -z 12.000000 -x 0.600000 -H 32.000000 -aw 0.349067
-m Module
-a Pressure Angle
-z Number of teeth
-H Height of Pitch Line
-x Coefficient of Profile Shift
-aw Working Pressure Angle
--------------------- Spur Gear Rack
Module: 3.000000
Pressure Angle: 20.000000
Number of Teeth: 12.000000
Coefficient of Profile Shift: 0.600000
Height of Pitch Line: 32.000000
Working Pressure Angle: 0.349067
Center Distance: 51.800000
Pitch Diameter: 36.000000
Base Diameter: 33.828924
Working Pitch Diameter: 36.000000
Addendum: 4.800000 3.000000
Whole Depth: 6.750000
Outside Diameter: 45.600000
Root Diameter: 32.100000
Contact Ratio: 0.877843
gcc -o external external.c -lm
Usage: ./external -m 3.000000 -a 0.349067 -ze 16.000000 -zi 24.000000 -xe 0.000000 -xi 0.500000
-m Module
-a Pressure Angle
-ze Number of teeth-External
-zi Number of teeth-Internal
-xe Coefficient of Profile Shift-External
-xi Coefficient of Profile Shift-Internal
-------------------------- External Internal
Module: 3.000000
Number of teeth: 16.000000 24.000000
Pressure Angle: 20.000000
Coefficient of Profile Shift: 0.000000 0.500000
Involute function: 0.060401
Working Pressure Angle: 31.000000
Center Distance Increment Factor: 0.385109
Center Distance: 13.155328
Pitch Diameter: 48.000000 72.000000
Base Diameter: 45.105232 67.657849
Working Pitch Diameter: 52.621311 78.931966
Addendum: 3.000000 1.500000
Whole Depth: 6.750000
Dedendum: 3.750000 5.250000
Working Depth: 6.000000
Outside Diameter: 54.000000 69.000000
Root Diameter: 40.500000 82.500000
Top Clearance: 0.750000
Circular Pitch: 9.424800
Pitch Prependicular to Tooth: 8.078624
Base Pitch: 8.078624
Tooth Thickness at Standard pitch Diameter: 4.712400
Contact Ratio: 3.205840
Min No of Teeth for Undercutting: 7.539621
gcc -o helix helix.c -lm
Usage: ./helix -mn 3.000000 -an 0.349067 -zp 12.000000 -zg 60.000000 -xnp 0.098090 -xng 0.000000
-mn Module
-an Pressure Angle
-zp Number of teeth-Pinion
-zg Number of teeth-Gear
-xnp Coefficient of Profile Shift-Pinion
-xng Coefficient of Profile Shift-Gear
-vp Poisson's Ratio Pinion
-vg Poisson's Ratio Gear
-ep Young's Modulus Pinion
-eg Young's Modulus Gear
-zb Helix Angle Factor, Z╬▓
-khl Life Factor, KHL
-zl Lubricant Factor, ZL
-zr Surface Roughness Factor, ZR
-zv Sliding Speed Factor, ZV
-zw Hardness Ratio Factor, ZW
-khx Dimension Factor, KHX
-khb Tooth Flank Load Distribution Factor, KH ╬▓
-kv Dynamic Load Factor, KV
-ko Overload Factor
-sh Safety Factor For Pitting
-sigma Hertz Stress
-ft Tangential force
-------------------------- PINION GEAR
Normal Module: 3.000000
Normal Pressure Angle: 20.000000
Helix Angle: 30.000000
Number of teeth: 12.000000 60.000000
Normal Coefficient of Profile Shift: 0.098090 0.000000
Involute function: 0.023405
Working Pressure Angle: 23.062500
Center Distance Increment Factor: 0.081906
Center Distance: 124.953463
Pitch Diameter: 41.569249 207.846244
Base Diameter: 38.322299 191.611495
Working Pitch Diameter: 41.651154 208.255772
Addendum: 3.245717 2.951447
Whole Depth: 6.701447
Dedendum: 3.455730 3.750000
Working Depth: 6.000000
Outside Diameter: 48.060683 213.749138
Root Diameter: 34.657789 200.346244
Top Clearance: 0.750000
Circular Pitch: 9.424800
Pitch Prependicular to Tooth: 8.671548
Base Pitch: 8.671548
Tooth Thickness at Standard pitch Diameter: 4.712400
Contact Ratio: 1.486783
Min No of Teeth for Undercutting: 13.032967
----------------------- Thickness --------------------
Circular Tooth Thickness : 4.926612 4.712400
No of Teeth in an equivalent spur gear: 18.475248 92.376239
Half of tooth angle at pich circle : 5.092821 0.974277
Chordal Thickness : 4.920127 4.712173
Chordal Addendum : 3.355122 2.971479
----------------------- Force --------------------
Hertz Stress 1117.833993
Tangential force 871.742250
BTC bc1qy8zfvyymhtfh7t2ykuaf3ev6h3nq3r2zn64jv7