Because vim rocks, but you have to heavily configure it to make it a decent text editor.
Heartlessly stealed and recomposed from:
# install dependencies
sudo apt-get install vim exuberant-ctags silversearcher-ag
# to use yapf (Python Formatter)
sudo pip install yapf
# clone project and link to vim
git clone $HOME/.vim
ln -s $HOME/.vim/.vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
- key is remapped to
- / is also mapped to jj (to keep the hand positionned on the hjkl keys)
<Leader> + t
= Ctrl-P searching all filenames under current directory (recursive);
= Ctrl-P in current buffers<Leader> + e
= Toggle NERDTree (directory tree)F8
= Toggle Tagbar (side bar with classes / functions structure)<Leader> + y
= Format python file using yapf
<Ctrl> + n
= Next buffer<Ctrl> + p
= Previous buffer
<Leader> + l
= Toggle line number display<Leader> + r
= Toggle relative line number display<Leader> + o
= Toggle paste mode