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Members API

Brendan Abbott edited this page Dec 12, 2013 · 10 revisions

A reference to interacting with the Members extension with other extensions.

Members Delegates


This delegate fires as soon as possible to allow other extensions the chance to overwrite the default Member class. This allows for other types of Member objects to be used with the Members extension. If the given $member is left as null, then the default SymphonyMember will be initialised.


Fired just before a member is logged out (and page redirection), this delegate provides the current Member ID


Fired just after a Member has successfully logged in, this delegate provides the current Member ID. This delegate is fired just before the page redirection (if it is provided)


Fired just after a Member has successfully activated their account. This delegate is fired just before the user is logged in (if the auto login setting is truthy)


Fired just after a Member has requested a recovery code so they can reset their password.


Fired just after a Member has regenerated their activation code for their account.


Fired just after a Member has reset their password.

extension_Members class


The Members extension has a static variable, extension_Members::$_errors that holds an associative array of errors that have occurred during processing


Returns an instance active Member class, which for this version will always be SymphonyMember. This class provides the functions that will allow a Member of this type to login, logout, change password etc. Future versions may include different class that represent different types of Members.


Returns the active Member's Section id that is set in the configuration or null if one has not been set.


Given a $handle, this function will return a value from the Members configuration. Typically this is an shortcut accessor to Symphony::Configuration()->get($handle, 'members'). If no $handle is given this function will return all the configuration values for the Members extension as an array.

getField(string $name):Field

Where $name is one of the following values, role, timezone, email, activation, authentication and identity, this function will return a Field instance. Typically this allows extensions to access the Fields that are currently being used in the active Members section. If no $name is given, an array of all Member fields will be returned.

getFieldHandle(string $name):string

Where $name is one of the following values, role, timezone, email, activation, authentication and identity, this function will return the Field's element_name. element_name is a handle of the Field's label, used most commonly by events in $_POST data. If no $name is given, an array of all Member field handles will be returned.

Member interface

The Members extension provides a Members interface that outlines the minimum functions required to create a working Member type. At the moment, only one is supported, SymphonyMember. Member classes can be autoloaded using the member.*.php convention and by placing the file in the /lib directory, although this feature has not been implemented fully in the 1.0 release.



Returns the current logged in Member entry object, or null if no member is logged in. If the function returns null, it is possible that the Member has not yet been loaded. This can be forced using initialiseMemberObject() which will attempt fetch a Member.


Returns the Entry ID of the currently logged in Member, or null otherwise



Returns boolean on if the current Member is logged in or not. This loads the credentials from a Cookie to verify that the current Member is logged in. If the credentials are incorrect, this function will return false.

login(array $credentials, boolean $isHashed = false):boolean

Expects an associative array of member information to log a user in where the key is the Field element_name, ie. 'My Username' becomes 'my-username'. When providing a password, setting the $isHashed parameter to true, will let the function know that the password field's value has already hashed, and not attempt to rehash it. By default this is false, which will take a plaintext password and hashed it according to the Members authentication field (which by default is Member: Password). Should any errors occur, they populate extension_Members::$_errors.


This will logout a user by removing their saved cookie information. This change is effective on page reload and should be accompanied by a redirect.


setIdentityField(array $credentials, boolean $simplified = false):Field

This function parses $credentials data attempting to map the key's to Field instances by using the Field's element_name to determine an Identity field. By default, $simplified is parameter be true, which assumes the current $credentials has keys of email or username. If false, the function will map the $credentials keys to Identity fields element_name. The Members extension currently comes with two fields that extend the Identity class, Member: Username and Member: Email.

In the instance where both fields are provided in the $credentials, Member: Email takes preference over Member: Username. The function will return a Field instance should a mapping be able to be found, or null otherwise.

fetchMemberFromID(integer $member_id):Entry

Given a $member_id, this function will return the corresponding Entry object for that Member. If no Member is found, the function returns null.

findMemberIDFromCredentials(array $credentials):integer

This function, given a simplified associative array with possible keys of email, username or password, will return a Member's ID based on the given set of credentials. Should any errors occur, they populate extension_Members::$_errors.


addMemberDetailsToPageParams(array $context):void

This function is called by the FrontendParamsResolve delegate and allows the Member class to add parameters for use on the Frontend. The default Member class adds parameters for $member-id, $member-role and $member-activated when necessary.

appendLoginStatusToEventXML(array $context):void

This function is called by the FrontendProcessEvents delegate and allows the Member class to append login status information about a Member onto a Symphony page. The default implementation returns whether the member is logged in and their member-id. If a Member is not logged in, but has attempted to do so, this function iterates over extension_Members::$_errors to simulate a real event by providing the <post-values> and error messages.

RoleManager class

The RoleManager class can be leveraged to add, edit, delete and fetch Roles used by the Member: Role field and Symphony to determine if users (that includes users who are not authenticated) can access pages or execute events

add(array $data):integer

Given an associative array of data with the keys being the relevant table names, and the values being an associative array of data to insert, add a new Role to the Database. Roles are spread across three tables, tbl_members_roles, tbl_members_roles_forbidden_pages and tbl_members_roles_event_permissions. This function will return the ID of the Role after it has been added to the database.

edit(integer $role_id, array $data):integer

Given a $role_id and an associative array of data in the same fashion as RoleManager::add(), this will update a Role record returning true on success, false otherwise

delete(integer $role_id, boolean $purge_members = false):boolean

Will delete the Role given a $role_id. Should $purge_members be passed, this function will remove all Members associated with this role as well

fetch(integer $role_id):Role

This function will return Roles from the database. If the $role_id is given the function will return a Role object (should it be found) otherwise an array of Role objects will be returned.

fetchRoleIDByHandle(string $handle, $asObject = false):Role

This function will find a Role by it's handle. Should $asObject be passed as true, this function will return a Role object, otherwise just the $role_id.

Role class

set(string $name, mixed $value):void

Given a $name and a $value, this will set it into the Role's $this->settings array. By default, $name maps the tbl_member_roles column names.

setArray(array $array):void

Convenience function to set an associative array without using multiple set() calls. This function expects an associative array.


Sets the permissions for the current Role by loading them from tbl_member_roles_forbidden_pages and tbl_member_roles_event_permissions. The permissions are set under forbidden_pages and event_permissions keys that can be accessed via Role->get('event_permissions').

get(string $name):mixed

Given a $name, this function returns the setting for this Role. If no setting is found, this function will return null. If $name is not provided, the entire $this->settings array will be returned.

canAccessPage(integer $page_id):boolean

Given a $page_id, this functions return true if this role is allowed to view the page with that ID.

canProcessEvent(string $event_handle, string $action, integer $required_level):boolean

Given an event handle, the desired action, either create or edit, and the required permission level, this function will return boolean if the user can process the event. The $required_level is one of the EventPermissions constants, NO_PERMISSIONS, OWN_ENTRIES, ALL_ENTRIES or CREATE.

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