Currently supported models, first generation of:
- 18i6
- 18i8
- 18i20
- 6i6 - (untested)
This is just a GUI, the device must be supported by the ALSA Linux kernel device-driver.
The mixer-elements are numerically indexed and only work with vanilla Linux. At the time of writing only the 1st generation of Scarlett devices are supported (Linux 4.16, April 2018).
This UI a quick hack, it may or may not work and is prepared for other Scarlett devices, but you are on your own.
Please do not package this software as-is, nor make it available to end-users since most will be disappointed.
The offsets hardcoded for the mixers seem to differ between 'plain vanilla' Linux and Ubuntu The original x42 repo targets the vanilla variant. This fork targets Ubuntu, and the status is as follows:
- 18i6 - Please send a ./scarlett-mixer -p dump to determine the offsets
- 18i8 - Offsets updated on the dump provided by kujaw in the x42 repo issue post
- 18i20 - Updated and tested on Ubuntu 18.04 (4.15.0-23-lowlatency)
- 6i6 - Updated based on aenertia dump but not verified.
Build-dependencies: gnu-make, a c-compiler, pkg-config, libpango, libcairo, lv2 (SDK), alsa (libasound) and openGL (sometimes called: glu, glx, mesa).
sudo apt-get install pango-cairo-1.0 lib-cairo2-dev glib-2.0 asound linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils mesa-util freeglut3-dev lv2-dev
git clone git://
cd scarlett-mixer
git submodule init
git submodule update
./scarlett-mixer --help
./scarlett-mixer hw:2 # change "hw:2" to match your device , on Ubuntu this should be USB
ALSA Mixer in HTLM-5 with ALSA JSON Gateway:
git clone git:// (/sound/usb/mixer-scarlett.c)