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Releases: swhitty/SwiftDraw

Swift 5.7 (iOS13+, macOS 10.15+)

24 May 21:44
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Removes support for older OS and Swift versions.

SwiftDraw now supports:

  • Swift 5.7+
  • iOS 13+
  • macOS 10.15+

Fixes issue #40 where base64 images were not sized correctly.

Swift 5.7 (iOS12+, macOS 10.14+)

15 Nov 07:34
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Removes support for older OS and Swift versions.

SwiftDraw now supports:

  • Swift 5.7+
  • iOS 12+
  • macOS 10.14+

Fixes issue #32 where some SFSymbols would not correctly wind evenodd paths.

Swift 5.7 (iOS12+, macOS 10.14+)

14 Nov 11:50
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Removes support for older OS and Swift versions.

SwiftDraw now supports:

  • Swift 5.7+
  • iOS 12+
  • macOS 10.14+

Fixes issue #32 where some SFSymbols would not correctly wind evenodd paths.

Preserve all SFSymbol classes

30 Oct 22:02
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Bug fix release that fixes a few issues

  • Only wind .nonZero paths that are filled #31
  • Correctly pad 3 digit hex colors #24
  • Flip base64 images #26
  • Preserve all SFSymbol classes #27

Fix Typo

18 Aug 23:25
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Fixes typo #23. 🙏🏻 thanks @2n

SFSymbol Multicolor

02 Jul 06:13
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Includes changes

swiftdraw, version 0.14.1
copyright (c) 2023 Simon Whitty

usage: swiftdraw <file.svg> [--format png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol] [--size wxh] [--scale 1x | 2x | 3x]

<file> svg file to be processed

 --format      format to output image: png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol
 --size        size of output image: 100x200
 --scale       scale of output image: 1x | 2x | 3x
 --insets      crop inset of output image: top,left,bottom,right
 --precision   maximum number of decimal places
 --output      optional path of output file

 --hideUnsupportedFilters   hide elements with unsupported filters.

Available keys for --format swift:
 --api                api of generated code:  appkit | uikit

Available keys for --format sfymbol:
 --insets             alignment of regular variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --ultralight         svg file of ultralight variant
 --ultralightInsets   alignment of ultralight variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --black              svg file of black variant
 --blackInsets        alignment of black variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto

SFSymbol Multicolor

27 May 04:42
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Includes changes

swiftdraw, version 0.14.0
copyright (c) 2023 Simon Whitty

usage: swiftdraw <file.svg> [--format png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol] [--size wxh] [--scale 1x | 2x | 3x]

<file> svg file to be processed

 --format      format to output image: png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol
 --size        size of output image: 100x200
 --scale       scale of output image: 1x | 2x | 3x
 --insets      crop inset of output image: top,left,bottom,right
 --precision   maximum number of decimal places
 --output      optional path of output file

 --hideUnsupportedFilters   hide elements with unsupported filters.

Available keys for --format swift:
 --api                api of generated code:  appkit | uikit

Available keys for --format sfymbol:
 --insets             alignment of regular variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --ultralight         svg file of ultralight variant
 --ultralightInsets   alignment of ultralight variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --black              svg file of black variant
 --blackInsets        alignment of black variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto


03 Jan 00:25
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Adds optional --output to Command-line tool. If provided this path is used, otherwise a suffix is automatically appended to input path.

Fixes bugs

  • UIImage was scaled twice #12.
  • fill-rule was defaulting to evenodd when it should be nonzero
  • macCatalyst support
  • Better support for stroke gradients #17
swiftdraw, version 0.13.2
copyright (c) 2022 Simon Whitty

usage: swiftdraw <file.svg> [--format png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol] [--size wxh] [--scale 1x | 2x | 3x]

<file> svg file to be processed

 --format      format to output image: png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol
 --size        size of output image: 100x200
 --scale       scale of output image: 1x | 2x | 3x
 --insets      crop inset of output image: top,left,bottom,right
 --precision   maximum number of decimal places
 --output      optional path of output file

 --hideUnsupportedFilters   hide elements with unsupported filters.

Available keys for --format swift:
 --api                api of generated code:  appkit | uikit

Available keys for --format sfymbol:
 --insets             alignment of regular variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --ultralight         svg file of ultralight variant
 --ultralightInsets   alignment of ultralight variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --black              svg file of black variant
 --blackInsets        alignment of black variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto


07 Oct 20:10
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Adds optional --output to Command-line tool. If provided this path is used, otherwise a suffix is automatically appended to input path.

Fixes bugs

  • UIImage was scaled twice #12.
  • fill-rule was defaulting to evenodd when it should be nonzero
  • macCatalyst support
swiftdraw, version 0.13.2
copyright (c) 2022 Simon Whitty

usage: swiftdraw <file.svg> [--format png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol] [--size wxh] [--scale 1x | 2x | 3x]

<file> svg file to be processed

 --format      format to output image: png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol
 --size        size of output image: 100x200
 --scale       scale of output image: 1x | 2x | 3x
 --insets      crop inset of output image: top,left,bottom,right
 --precision   maximum number of decimal places
 --output      optional path of output file

 --hideUnsupportedFilters   hide elements with unsupported filters.

Available keys for --format swift:
 --api                api of generated code:  appkit | uikit

Available keys for --format sfymbol:
 --insets             alignment of regular variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --ultralight         svg file of ultralight variant
 --ultralightInsets   alignment of ultralight variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --black              svg file of black variant
 --blackInsets        alignment of black variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto


31 Aug 22:45
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Adds optional --output to Command-line tool. If provided this path is used, otherwise a suffix is automatically appended to input path.

Fixes bugs

  • UIImage was scaled twice #12.
  • fill-rule was defaulting to evenodd when it should be nonzero
swiftdraw, version 0.13.1
copyright (c) 2022 Simon Whitty

usage: swiftdraw <file.svg> [--format png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol] [--size wxh] [--scale 1x | 2x | 3x]

<file> svg file to be processed

 --format      format to output image: png | pdf | jpeg | swift | sfsymbol
 --size        size of output image: 100x200
 --scale       scale of output image: 1x | 2x | 3x
 --insets      crop inset of output image: top,left,bottom,right
 --precision   maximum number of decimal places
 --output      optional path of output file

 --hideUnsupportedFilters   hide elements with unsupported filters.

Available keys for --format swift:
 --api                api of generated code:  appkit | uikit

Available keys for --format sfymbol:
 --insets             alignment of regular variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --ultralight         svg file of ultralight variant
 --ultralightInsets   alignment of ultralight variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto
 --black              svg file of black variant
 --blackInsets        alignment of black variant: top,left,bottom,right | auto