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Update: 5/3

We are NOT currently maintaining this plugin. We will revisit adding support for Vim in the near future.

Code Time for Vim

Code Time is an open source plugin that provides programming metrics right in your code editor.

Power up your development

In-editor dashboard Get daily and weekly reports of your programming activity right in your code editor.

Status bar metrics After installing our plugin, your status bar will show real-time metrics about time coded per day.

Weekly email reports Get a weekly report delivered right to your email inbox.

Data visualizations Go to our web app to get simple data visualizations, such as a rolling heatmap of your best programming times by hour of the day.

Calendar integration Integrate with Google Calendar to automatically set calendar events to protect your best programming times from meetings and interrupts.

More stats See your best music for coding and the speed, frequency, and top files across your commits.

Why you should try it out

  • Automatic time reports by project
  • See what time you code your best—find your “flow”
  • Defend your best code times against meetings and interrupts
  • Find out what you can learn from your data

It’s safe, secure, and free

We never access your code We do not process, send, or store your proprietary code. We only provide metrics about programming, and we make it easy to see the data we collect.

Your data is private We will never share your individually identifiable data with your boss. In the future, we will roll up data into groups and teams but we will keep your data anonymized.

Free for you, forever We provide 90 days of data history for free, forever. In the future, we will provide premium plans for advanced features and historical data access.

Getting started

The Code Time plugin for Vim can be installed either manually or via your plugin manager of choice.


  1. Create or find your .vim directory
  2. Create a directory called bundle inside of your .vim folder
  3. Clone the Code Time plugin for Vim to your .vim/bundle directory:
git clone swdotcom/swdc-vim
  1. If you haven't created a .vimrc file, you'll have to create it first in your home directory
  2. Set the runtime path in your .vimrc file:
set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/swdc-vim.vim
  1. Source your .vimrc in Vim: :source ~/.vimrc
  2. Log in: :SoftwareLogin

With VimPlug

  1. Add Plug 'swdotcom/swdc-vim' to your .vimrc so it looks something like this:
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugins')
Plug 'swdotcom/swdc-vim'
call plug#end()
  1. Source your .vimrc in Vim: :source ~/.vimrc
  2. Install Code Time with :PlugInstall
  3. Log in: :SoftwareLogin

With Vundle

  1. Add Plugin 'swdotcom/swdc-vim' to your .vimrc so it looks something like this:
set nocompatiblefiletype offset rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vimcall 
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plugin 'swdotcom/swdc-vim'
call vundle#end()
  1. Install Code Time with :PluginInstall
  2. Log in: :SoftwareLogin

With Pathogen

  1. Run the following commands in your terminal:
cd ~/.vim/bundlegit
  1. If you're a new Pathogen user, set up your .vimrc so it looks something like this:
execute pathogen#infect() syntax on filetype plugin indent on
  1. Log in: :SoftwareLogin

With NeoBundle

  1. Add NeoBundle 'swdotcom/swdc-vim' to your .vimrc so it looks something like this:
set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/
call neobundle#begin(expand('~/.vim/bundle/'))
NeoBundleFetch 'Shougo/neobundle.vim'
NeoBundle 'swdotcom/swdc-vim'
call neobundle#end()‍
filetype plugin indent on
  1. Install Code Time with :NeoBundleInstall
  2. Log in: :SoftwareLogin


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