This project is maintained and no support will be provided. It is available as-is for your reference. Keep in mind it produces an old version of the Swagger specification which is soon to reach an end-of-life state.
This is a project to add swagger to play-framework; an implementation of the Swagger spec.
You can find out more about both the spec and the framework at
For more information about Wordnik's APIs, please visit
(This is for Play 1.2.x. If you're working with Play 2.0 and above, please look at
You need the following installed and available in your $PATH:
The swagger-play module depends on swagger-core_2.8.1-1.1. You can find this artifact in a public maven repo:
Get the dependencies for the swagger-play module:
export SCALA_HOME=path/to/scala-2.8.1 play deps --sync play build-module