Thermostat keeps your IceCube humming alomg nicely.
It presents a declarative interface to IceCube and makes it more suitable to be called programmatically. It also has some niceties around handling holidays and so on. Thermostat provides a uniform way to generate a list of dates. It takes care of building an IceCube object with the passed parameters.
given an appropriate inititalizer, the Thermostat#dates method will provide the required dates. It also adjusts dates for holidays
call it thusly
@sched = =>, :end_date =>, :frequency => :weekly, :holidays => {( + 7) => + 9})
options are passed as a Hash with the following keys
frequency -> one of :daily, :weekly, :biweekly, :quadweekly, :monthly, :bimonthly, :quarterly, :semiannually
or alternatively a Hash of {:period => :monthly, :every => 4}
days -> WEEKDAY element(s) to constrain schedules. if not specified, defaults to start_date.weekday where appropriate
weekly_off -> a WEEKDAY element
holidays -> a Hash of the type {:holiday_date => :date_to_replace_with}
one of end_date or n must be specified
See the specs for more usage examples