A simple wrapper around socket.io-client for the nestjs framework.
Package has to be installed with the socket.io-client version you want.
Via npm
npm install nestjs-socket.io-client socket.io-client
Via yarn
yarn add nestjs-socket.io-client socket.io-client
You can install any version of socket.io-client
ranging from v2 to v4 and use generics for autocomplete within the forRoot
path of the module.
In your AppModule file:
import { Module } from "@nestjs/common";
import { SocketIoClientModule } from "nestjs-socket.io-client";
import { ManagerOptions, SocketOptions } from 'socket.io-client';
imports: [
// Generics allow you to use types for the client you choose
SocketIoClientModule.forRoot<Partial<ManagerOptions & SocketOptions>>({
// ... options for the client
// https://socket.io/docs/v4/client-api/#new-Manager-url-options
export class AppModule {}
And in your service:
import { Injectable, Inject, Logger } from "@nestjs/common";
import { SocketIoClientModule, OnSocketEvent, SOCKET_IO_CLIENT } from "nestjs-socket.io-client";
import { Socket } from "socket.io-client"
export class Service {
private logger = new Logger("Service");
* Inject the socket instance and use it's methods this way:
constructor(@Inject(SOCKET_IO_CLIENT) private readonly socket: Socket) {}
onConnect() {
this.logger.log("Successfully connected the socket.io server!");