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Rotary axis

Sven edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

Rotary axis

In this example the Y axis will be substituted by a rotary axis. A toilet paper roll with a diameter of 45mm will be machined.



  • secure the GRBL Settings for the Y-axis ($101=40; $121=500) 40 steps/mm (belt drive)
  • switch off electronis (to protect motor drivers)
  • rebuild mechanics
  • switch on electronis
  • set GRBL Settings for the rotary axis ($101=4.4444; $121=100) 4.444 steps/degree (1600 steps/turn)
  • Attention: the Y axis scaling is now in degree
  • set the diameter of work piece
  • Adaption of the gcode by scaling the Y axis (attention G2 / G3 commands must be converted into lines prior)

Via '$$' the actual settings can be read out, they can be set in the setup-tab for automatic transfer.

Drehachse Setup1

Automatisches Setzen der Motorparameter, abhängig von der Auswahl "Achsenersetzung" Drehachse Setup2

  1. Original GCode (max. Y is 35.25mm)
  2. Set of work piece diameter (45mm -> circumference = 141mm)
  3. scaling of the Y-axis to the circumference of the work piece
  4. The gcode was scaled to 90 (now degree) on the Y axis (this correlates to 35.25mm on the circumference) Drehachse Setup2

Rotary axis