The following abstractions are available to access the etcd API:
a) etcd::Client implements the main client interface.
b) etcd::Watch implements a callback based watchdog to watch etcd key and directory changes.
Response from etcd is JSON. This implementation is agnostic to any specific json library. If you already have a json library in your project, just implement a wrapper simalar to one in "rapid_reply.hpp". If you would like to pick another JSON implementation, here: would be a good place to start.
Create a client object
etcd::Client<example::RapidReply> etcd_client("", 2379);
example::Reply reply = etcd_client.Set("/message", "Hello world");
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.Get("/message");
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.Set("/message", "Hello etcd");
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.Delete("/message");
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.Set("/foo", "bar", 5);
If you try to get an expired key:
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.Get("/foo");
The example rapid reply wrapper, we parse for an error and throw an exception of type etcd::ReplyException
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'etcd::ReplyException'
what(): Key not found[100]: /foo
The TTL can be unset to avoid expiration through update operation:
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.ClearTtl("/foo", "bar");
// Create a watch callback function
void WatchCallback(const example::RapidReply& reply) {
// Create a etcd::Watch object and call Run.
etcd::Watch<example::RapidReply> etcd_watchdog("", 2379);
etcd_watchdog.Run("/foo", WatchCallback);
// If you want to watch a key or directory only once, use the RunOnce api call
etcd_watchdog.RunOnce("/foo", WatchCallback);
etcd_watchdog.RunOnce("/foo", WatchCallback, 8);
etcd::Watch::Run will look for an index is outdated error and automatically reconfigure the watch
etcd::Watch::Run will throw an etcd::ClientException when it looses connectivity.
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.SetOrdered("/queue", "Job1");
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.GetOrdered("/queue");
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.AddDirectory("/dir", 30);
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.UpdateDirectoryTtl("/dir", 30);
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.CompareAndSwapIf("/foo", "three", bool(false));
If it exists, the example::RapidReply wrapper also throws an exception
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'etcd::ReplyException' │
what(): Key already exists[105]: /foo
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.CompareAndSwapIf("/foo", "three", std::string("two"));
If the comparation fails, the example::RapidReply wrapper also throws an exception
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'etcd::ReplyException' │
what(): Compare failed[101]: [two != three]
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.CompareAndSwapIf("/foo", "three", etcd::Index(7))
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.CompareAndDeleteIf("/foo", std::string("two"));
The example::RapidReply wrapper throws an exception if the value is not equal
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'etcd::ReplyException' │
what(): Compare failed[101]: [two != one]
As does a CompareAndDelete
with a mismatched prevIndex
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.CompareAndDeleteIf("/foo", etcd::Index(7));
The example::RapidReply wrapper throws an exception if there is a mismatch in index
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'etcd::ReplyException' │
what(): Compare failed[101]: [1 != 8]
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.AddDirectory("/dir");
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.Get("/")
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.GetAll("/");
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.DeleteDirectory("/foo_dir");
example::RapidReply reply = etcd_client.DeleteDirectory("/foo_dir", true);
Creating a hidden node
example::Reply reply = etcd_client.Set("/_message", "Hello hidden world");
Read the contents of the file into a string "value" and encode it
example::Reply reply = etcd_client.Set(etcd_client.UrlEncode(value));
To unescape a string
std::string decoded_value = etcd_client.UrlDecode(value))