A sound driver for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis.
- Runs on the 68000 with the Z80 controlling PCM playback.
- 16 monophonic tracks that can be used for BGM or sound effects. Each track can be assigned to a channel with 4 levels of priority.
- Can use any combination of FM, PSG and PCM sound sources.
- FM3 special mode:
- Can assign each or a pair of FM3 operators to one or more separate tracks with volume control.
- PCM playback modes:
- 2 channel PCM playback at ~17.5 kHz with volume control
- 3 channel PCM playback at ~13.3 kHz with volume control
- Samples can play at 8 different sampling rates independent of the mixing rate
- Compact sequence format
- Sound data can be compiled from MML files using
- Sound data can be compiled from MML files using
- Various effects supported:
- PSG volume envelopes
- Pitch envelopes
- Portamento
- Fade in/out
- Song volume and tempo control
- Macro tables
- Allows for channel parameters and registers to be modified automatically as a note is playing.
- Equal temperament scale with 256 steps per semitone, allowing for easy detune or pitch slide effects.
- Unencumbered source code
- Fully position-independent code - supports any assembler or toolchain by including the binary blob.
- Uses approximately 1 kb (1024 bytes) of RAM.
- Integration with SGDK
- System C2 support is currently in the experimental
Feel free to join the Discord server if you have any questions or feedback.
mmlgui provides an easy way to compose music and sound effects using Music Macro Language (MML).
For information on the MML dialect, see here.
The mdslink
tool of ctrmml
is capable of building the sound data files (mdsseq.bin
# creates 'mdsseq.bin' and 'mdspcm.bin'
mdslink -o mdsseq.bin mdspcm.bin mymusic.mml ...
Sound data files can be in MML (Music Macro Language) or MDS formats. For information on the MDS binary format, see mdsseq.md.
All required tools for building are already in the repository, you just
need to run build.bat
. These are Windows executables, so for other
operating systems, wine
is required.
# creates `main.bin` (test ROM) and `mdsdrv.bin` (sound driver blob)
wine /c build.bat
Alternatively, if you use a Unix-like system and sjasmplus
, salvador
and mdslink
are installed to your PATH
, you can use the Makefile
to build MDSDRV. Note that you still need wine
to run asm68k.exe
# creates `mdsdrv.bin` (sound driver blob)
make mdsdrv
# creates `main.bin` (test ROM)
make demo
To quickly generate a ROM (in Windows) with a single song, you can drag and drop a .MDS or .MML file into "quickrom.bat"
Once compiled, using MDSDRV should be as easy as including the binary
files (mdsdrv.bin
, mdsseq.bin
, mdspcm.bin
) in your project, and
calling the correct addresses inside the mdsdrv.bin
is the sound test ROM. It is built frommain.68k
is the sound driver binary. It is built fromblob.68k
is the compiled sequence data. It is built from music and sound effect files usingmdslink
contains PCM sample data. It is also built usingmdslink
- See sample/sgdk.
If the SGDK environment variables are set, calling build.bat
make sgdk-demo
should automatically build the SGDK test program.
- See api.md
- See mdsseq.md
- See dma.md
The Z80 code has a protection mechanism against reading ROM during DMA transfers. Please read dma.md for information how to use it.
© 2019-2022 Ian Karlsson.
MDSDRV is licensed under the terms of the zlib license.
is part of ctrmml and
is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2. But all code is written by me
and I give myself permission to use it here :).
is owned by SN Systems and is non-free. However it was last
released 25 years ago. I hope to move away from using it soon. The code
does however currently still use a lot of specific directives, and I
prefer its listing outputs for debugging... Please bear with me as I
try to find a good replacement.
is licensed under the zlib license. The version included in
this repository has been downloaded from the
Github repository.
is released under the zlib license. The version included in
this repository has been compiled from the source code in the
Github repository.
- Sik: for making suggestions and giving inspiration for the Z80 driver.
- Yuzo Koshiro: For creating the MUCOM88 driver which was an inspiration to this project.
- All beta testers.