Trigger custom events from templates and plugins that other plugins can hook into.
This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0-beta.23 or later.
To install the plugin, follow these instructions.
Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
cd /path/to/project
Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
composer require sjelfull/custom-events
In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Custom Events.
-Insert text here-
-Insert text here-
{% do craft.customEvents.createEvent('viewedProposal') %}
{% do craft.customEvents.createEventForElement('acceptedProposal', entry) %}
{% set url = craft.customEvents.getPixelUrl('openedProposalEmail', { element: entry }) %}
<img src="{{ url }}" alt="">
Some things to do, and ideas for potential features:
- Release it
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