Enclustra Build Environment is a tool which allows the user to quickly set up and run all of the Enclustra modules running a Xilinx Zynq device. It allows the user to choose the desired target, and downloads all the required binaries, such as the bitstream and FSBL. It also downloads and compiles software such as U-Boot, Linux, and Buildroot based root file system.
To run the build script, a Python interpreter is required - the system is compatible both with Python 2 and Python 3.
Running the build.sh script without any arguments starts the Build Environment in GUI mode; in GUI mode, the user is prompted to select the desired module and base board combination, and the boot mode and software for later use.
For automating the build process, a command line interface is available.
The following arguments are supported:
usage: tool [-h] [-L] [--list-devices-raw] [-d device] [-l]
[--list-targets-raw] [-x target] [-f target] [-b target]
[--custom-build target steps] [--fetch-history target]
[--list-dev-options] [-o index] [-c] [-v]
Enclustra Build Environment
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-L, --list-devices list all available devices
--list-devices-raw list all available devices in a script
friendly way
-d device, --device device specify device as follows:
-l, --list-targets list all targets for chosen device
--list-targets-raw list all targets for chosen device in a script
friendly way
-x target fetch and build specific target
-f target, --fetch target fetch specific target
-b target, --build target build specific target
--custom-build target steps build specific target with specific steps
(comma separated)
--fetch-history target fetch specific target with history
--list-dev-options list all available device options for chosen
-o index, --dev-option index set device option by index, the default one
will be used if not specified
-c, --clean-all delete all downloaded code, binaries, tools
and built files
-v, --version print version
Please refer to the user documentation for more information on the usage of the build system.
Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Enclustra GmbH, Switzerland