Note! This is purely experimental and not meant for production use.
The purpose of this experiment is to explore other alternatives to the container-based, serverless pattern. We are hoping this solution will minimize the overhead needed for spinning up a new container on-demand and fully eliminate the idea of a "cold start”.
gh repo clone suhay/sandwich-shop
cd sandwich-shop
make build
This will build directly from the source code. The compiled binary will be within the project directory. One benefit of doing it this way is the .env
file path will default to the project's root. This means you will not need to specify it as an argument.
go install
go install
Install the latest release of Sandwich Shop. This will add the binary to your GOPATH
. The benefit of installing vs building is being able to run the binary within any directory. You will, however, need to specify a path to the .env
file you want to use as an argument. Also, be sure to add $GOPATH/bin
to your PATH
sandwich-shop [--env=<path>] [--port=<port>]
If you built the application from the source, you will need to execute the binary within the project directory.
Flag | Description |
--env | Path to a local, or remote .env this process should use for default configurations. |
--port | The port number to run on. Default: 3002 |
Once you have the Sandwich Shop installed, and you have at least one Sandwich ready to go (gowich
or nodewich
), the next task is to set up your .env
files. These can live anywhere and are included as CLI arguments when launching the Shop or Sandwich.
# .env
Key | Description |
MONGODB_URL | (optional) URL to the mongo database that stores tenant information including the Bearer token. |
MONGODB_USER | (optional) User for logging into the tenant info database. |
MONGODB_PASSWD | (optional) Password for the user above. |
JWT_SECRET | Used for signing a JWT payload while passing it through the shop as an order. This is used to verify the order came through a shop directly and that it was unchanged while in transit. This secret must be identical across all Sandwiches. |
TIMEOUT | Seconds to wait on the order to complete. |
TENANTS | The location where your shop tenants are stored. Think of these as project roots, function roots, or user roots of what will be using the Shop. |
A Sandwich is what will handle the heavy lifting. Each Sandwich can be specialized in running one type of application (Node.js, Golang, Python, etc.), or they can do a mix of them, whichever you'd prefer. There are two ways you can register your Sandwiches. The first way is through a local sandiwches.json
file. This is the more clunky way to maintain your Sandwich registry, but it cuts out a round trip to a MongoDB. The second way is through a MongoDB collection.
"_id": "rye",
"name": "Rye",
"host": "http://localhost",
"port": 4006,
"runtimes": [
"_id": "ciabatta",
"name": "Ciabatta",
"host": "http://localhost",
"port": 4007,
"runtimes": [
Key | Description |
_id | Sandwich's id |
name | Human readable names for easily identifying when there is an error. |
host | URL the Sandwich will be reached by the Sandwich Shop process (how it will receive orders). |
port | The port on the designated host the Sandwich is reachable on |
runtimes | An array of runtime identifiers that show what this Sandwich is set to run. |
Runtimes must be defined within the GraphQL resolver which means adding one will require a pull request. The above schema can also be stored within a MongoDB collection called sandwiches
on the sandwich-shop
database you are using to run this application.
A Gowich
is a Sandwich written in Go. You may have as many of these running as needed as long as they are all running on separate ports. Each Gowich
should have a .env
file supplied to it as a CLI argument.
# .gowich1.env
Key | Description |
PORT | Port to run this Sandwich on. This will be overridden if --port is supplied as a command argument. |
TIMEOUT | Timeout, in seconds, to wait for an order to finish. |
JWT_SECRET | Must be the same JWT_SECRET as specified in the Sandwich Shop’s .env variables. This is used to ensure the request was generated and not changed between Sandwich Shop and the Gowich. |
GO1_13 | Absolute path to the runtime’s executable. |
TENANTS | Absolute path to tenants directory. |
gowich [--env=<path>] [--port=<port>]
Flag | Description |
--env | Path to a local, or remote .env this process should use for default configurations. |
--port | The port number to run on. |
A Nodewich
is a Sandwich written in Node. You may have as many of these running as needed as long as they are all running on separate ports. Each Nodewich
should have a .env
file supplied to it as a CLI argument.
Key | Description |
PORT | Port to run this Sandwich on. This will be overridden if --port is supplied as a command argument. |
TIMEOUT | Timeout, in seconds, to wait for an order to finish. |
JWT_SECRET | Must be the same JWT_SECRET as specified in the Sandwich Shop’s .env variables. This is used to ensure the request was generated and not changed between Sandwich Shop and the Nodewich. |
NODE9_10 | Absolute path to the runtime’s executable. |
TENANTS | Absolute path to tenants directory. |
nodewich [--env=<path>] [--port=<port>]
Flag | Description |
--env | Path to a local, or remote .env this process should use for default configurations. |
--port | The port number to run on. |
Tenants are the buckets where your functional code is placed. Within the tenant
directory, you will place the different tenant directories. Along with the functions a tenant wishes to run, there also must be an orders.yml
file to hold the function configurations. There can also either be an optional .key
file to hold the API key for this particular tenant, or their API key must be stored within the tenants
collection on your sandwich-shop
MongoDB database.
└── b78682b3-36c8-4759-b8d1-5e62f029a1bc
├── .key (optional)
├── getSandwich.js
├── make_sandwich.go
└── orders.yml
# order.yml
getSandwich: # order name, GET https://shop.example/{tenantid}/getSandwich
runtime: node9_10 # runtime needed, used to pick sandwich
path: getSandwich.js # path function is relative to tenant's root
env: [] # any variables to include
runtime: go1_13
path: make_sandwich.go
env: []
in your MongoDB cluster
"_id": "tenant id",
"key": "this-is-my-api-key"
mkdir ~/sandwich-shop
go install
go install
cd ~/sandwich-shop
printf "JWT_SECRET=1234567890jwtsecretcode\nTENANTS=~/sandwich-shop" > .env
printf "JWT_SECRET=1234567890jwtsecretcode\nGO1_17=/usr/local/go/bin/go" > .node1.env
echo '[{"_id": "ciabatta", "name": "Ciabatta", "host": "", "port": 4007, "runtimes": ["go1_17"]}]' > sandwiches.json
mkdir myFunctions
cd myFunctions
echo "password1234" > .key
printf -- '---\nhello:\n runtime: go1_17\n path: hello.go' > orders.yml
printf 'package main\nimport "fmt"\nfunc main() {\nfmt.Printf("%%s", "Hello!")\n}' > hello.go
sandwich-shop --env ~/sandwich-shop/.env &
gowich --env ~/sandwich-shop/.node1.env --port 4007 &
curl -X POST --header "Authorization: Bearer password1234" http://localhost:3002/shop/myFunctions/hello
Move tenant path into an environment variable - CLI for adding
, standing up and tearing down Sandwiches, and changing.key
values. - A+B testing against a Serverless pattern (to see if this is even a thing or just something for fun)
- Security audit on tenants
make dev