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Antennas and impedance matching

Marc Juul edited this page Sep 4, 2018 · 4 revisions

Getting up to speed

Make sure you know the basics of electricity and Ohm's law. You can learn this from the first chapters of the book Practical Electronics For Inventors.

Watch the following videos:

Read the first page of chapter 2 on resonant circuits then chapter 4 on Impedance matching in the book RF Circuit Design. You might want to read chapter 3 on Filter Design as well as the rest of chapter 2.

VNAs and antenna analyzers


  • 137 MHz to 3.5 GHz
  • Two ports (but only one port capable of transmitting)
  • $293 with calibration kit
  • Fully open source and open hardware!
  • Website


  • 140 MHz to 2.7 GHz
  • Only one port (so not a true VNA)
  • Integrated unit with display
  • $150 from aliexpress
  • Video review

This unit has great reviews. Performance similar to professional equipment.

MiniVNA Tiny and Tiny Plus

  • 500 kHz to 4 GHz
  • Two ports
  • $482 new from ebay
  • Software is CC BY-ND-NC and no source code but runs on linux

Plus version seems to be the same but in a metal case.


  • 500 kHz to 4 GHz
  • Two Ports
  • $490 from official website
  • Closed source with open API
  • Website


  • 0.1 to 230 MHz only (so not usable for us)
  • Integrated unit with display
  • $360 from seeed studio
  • SDK is open source but not sure what that covers
  • Website