| Just a lost soul, swimming in a fish bowl, year after year. |
| I have decades of professional experience in subjects like English, Eating🍽, Procrastination⏳, Sleeping😴, Camping 🌲 🔥 , and more! I use the Oxford comma and I have 0 professional computer science experience or really any other professional experience. Recent grad(Dec 2024) with a BS in CS and do most work on my own (and begging others for help). Working on getting some professional experience going the app development route. (wish me luck)
Windows with VS C0de, and everything else... | VM running Ubuntu with Ghostty, Zsh (Oh My Zsh), Git, NeoVim, (and soon Telescope and TreeSitter) | old macbook for some mac things that do mac things on a mac
| C++ | C | C# | Java| HTML/CSS | JavaScript | TypeScript | Python | x86 MASM | MySQL | Swift | and Mandarin中文.
| Node.js | MongoDB | React | Express.js | Flask | Spring Boot | Android App. Dev. | Apple App. Dev. | P5.js | API's | Puppeteer | Selenium | 3D printing tech | Arduino | Raspberry Pi | Linux OS | Windows OS | MacOS
| Fusion 360 | SOLIDWORKS | UltiMaker Cura | Unity | Unreal Engine | FLStudio | Adobe suite | DaVinci Resolve | Wireshark | Postman | Streamer.bot | ocenaudio | Rufus | VirtualBox | Discord bots (managing servers, not creating)
Music | Art | Electrical, Computer, and Mechanical Engineering | Mathematics | Home Networking | Neuroscience and Psychology | Chemistry and Material Sciences | Philosophy | Quantumn qrap | and Biodegradability and Self-Sustainability.
| App development for my current workplace revolving audio equipment (classified)
| Personal giga website: Check out gleGoo.co - might take a minute to spin up from hosting service
| Can the digits of Pi move and solve a Rubik's cube? : SolvingSequence Stream 24-7
| Enrollment Manager for local college: Gives faculty a tool to better keep track of course enrollment
| misc. 🕸️website : Take a dive into Quantum Computing (link broke...thanks replit)
| Overwatch workshop : coming soon...
| I can solve a Rubik's cube 🧊! So fun!
| I'm an Overwatch Post-addict 🎮! Omega fun!
| Combining those two facts, I made a virtual Rubik's cube within the game of Overwatch! (Ovewatch workshop mode)
| I only drink water 🚰 , so dont buy me any coffee ☕ please. you can give me your moneies 🤑 💸 💰 here:(soon to come)
| I'm a giant 🎶 music 🎶 head, give me your hidden gems