Nomad does not yet expose job-specific metrics (see this issue). This means it's not possible to set alarms like "Hey, if my jobs have more than 2 replicas down, alert."
This tool fixes that issue by querying the nomad API for job-specific metrics and writing those to an OTLP agent.
I got the idea from, but it uses prometheus rather than OTLP.
Usage: nomad-otel-metrics-scraper [OPTIONS]
-u, --nomad-url <NOMAD_URL>
URL of the nomad instance to contact [default: http://localhost:4646]
-n, --nomad-poll-interval <NOMAD_POLL_INTERVAL>
How often to query nomad [default: 60s]
Whether to print out the metrics we are publishing to stdout
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
The OTel portions conform to the Environment Variable Specification and can be adjusted accordingly.