Version 0.2.3
This is a template for a simple resume. It is intended to be used as a good starting point for quickly crafting a standard resume that will properly be parsed by ATS systems. Inspiration is taken from Jake's Resume and guided-resume-starter-cgc. I'm currently a college student and was unable to find a Typst resume template that fit my needs, so I wrote my own. I hope this template can be useful to others as well.
A barebones resume looks like this, which you can use to get started.
#import "@preview/basic-resume:0.2.3": *
// Put your personal information here, replacing mine
#let name = "Stephen Xu"
#let location = "San Diego, CA"
#let email = "[email protected]"
#let github = ""
#let linkedin = ""
#let phone = "+1 (xxx) xxx-xxxx"
#let personal-site = ""
#show: resume.with(
author: name,
// All the lines below are optional.
// For example, if you want to to hide your phone number:
// feel free to comment those lines out and they will not show.
location: location,
email: email,
github: github,
linkedin: linkedin,
phone: phone,
personal-site: personal-site,
accent-color: "#26428b",
font: "New Computer Modern",
paper: "us-letter",
author-position: left,
personal-info-position: left,
* Lines that start with == are formatted into section headings
* You can use the specific formatting functions if needed
* The following formatting functions are listed below
* #edu(dates: "", degree: "", gpa: "", institution: "", location: "")
* #work(company: "", dates: "", location: "", title: "")
* #project(dates: "", name: "", role: "", url: "")
* #extracurriculars(activity: "", dates: "")
* There are also the following generic functions that don't apply any formatting
* #generic-two-by-two(top-left: "", top-right: "", bottom-left: "", bottom-right: "")
* #generic-one-by-two(left: "", right: "")
== Education
institution: "Harvey Mudd College",
location: "Claremont, CA",
dates: dates-helper(start-date: "Aug 2023", end-date: "May 2027"),
degree: "Bachelor's of Science, Computer Science and Mathematics",
- Cumulative GPA: 4.0\/4.0 | Dean's List, Harvey S. Mudd Merit Scholarship, National Merit Scholarship
- Relevant Coursework: Data Structures, Program Development, Microprocessors, Abstract Algebra I: Groups and Rings, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Multivariable & Single Variable Calculus, Principles and Practice of Comp Sci
== Work Experience
title: "Subatomic Shepherd and Caffeine Connoisseur",
location: "Atomville, CA",
company: "Microscopic Circus, Schrodinger's University",
dates: dates-helper(start-date: "May 2024", end-date: "Present"),
- more bullet points go here
// ... more headers and stuff below