Releases: studiosstudios/nine-lives
GDIAC Showcase Release
Sophisticated Traditional Upscale Downtown Inviting Overlooking-SoHo Studios (Group 11):
@joshuakguo (jcg294)
@nicolethean (nct43)
@Hei-Lark (csl97)
@sabrinali2002 (sl3324)
@tanyazhouu (tz337)
@kimmylin727 (kl565)
@choongjae (cl2362)
@jffzhou (jlz45)
9 Lives
GDIAC Showcase Release
May 21, 2023
This release is a fully fledged game featuring 31 unique levels (+1 secret challenge level!) that was presented at the 2023 GDIAC Showcase, winning Most Polished out of the desktop division.
Golden Master Release
Sophisticated Traditional Upscale Downtown Inviting Overlooking-SoHo Studios (Group 11):
@joshuakguo (jcg294)
@nicolethean (nct43)
Cynthia Li (csl97)
@sabrinali2002 (sl3324)
@tanyazhouu (tz337)
@kimmylin727 (kl565)
@choongjae (cl2362)
@jffzhou (jlz45)
9 Lives
Golden Master Release
May 10, 2023
With most of the game mechanics finished, in the golden master release programmers mainly worked on tuning player movement, polishing camera movement, and adding additional visual effects like Box2d lights and shaders.
Designers worked on polishing lab assets and finishing forest tilesets along with some decorative and tutorial assets.
Beta Release
Sophisticated Traditional Upscale Downtown Inviting Overlooking-SoHo Studios (Group 11):
@joshuakguo (jcg294)
@nicolethean (nct43)
Cynthia Li (csl97)
@sabrinali2002 (sl3324)
@tanyazhouu (tz337)
@kimmylin727 (kl565)
@choongjae (cl2362)
@jffzhou (jlz45)
9 Lives
Beta Release
April 29, 2023
Beta Release features more dynamism to the camera movement, improvement of movement mechanics, and further integration of design assets. The first three levels when entering the game correspond to easy, medium, and hard levels. Tutorialization is still being drafted and has not been added yet. These three levels assume knowledge and comfortability of all gameplay mechanics.
The first level has a new object: the goal. This object is at the end of the first level and signifies an object that Cali touches to regain her lives. Currently, the 9 lives are restored and the dead bodies are removed from the level. In the future, spirit photons may be added to show the spirits from dead bodies traveling back to Cali along with some animation. This prototype object is not in the remaining levels.
Alpha Release
Sophisticated Traditional Upscale Downtown Inviting Overlooking-SoHo Studios (Group 11):
@joshuakguo (jcg294)
@nicolethean (nct43)
Cynthia Li (csl97)
@sabrinali2002 (sl3324)
@tanyazhouu (tz337)
@kimmylin727 (kl565)
@choongjae (cl2362)
@jffzhou (jlz45)
9 Lives
Alpha Release
April 15, 2023
Alpha release featuring integration with the Tiled level editor and a new tileset to refresh the look of the game. The release also contains exciting new features such as the ability to undo your past death, "spirit boundaries" that constrain body-switching to within certain regions of the level, and moving platforms. In terms of infrastructure, the camera system has been improved with a tighter camera that smoothly follows the player as Cali moves around the level, along with progress with the UI in terms of a pause menu and level select.
Technical Prototype
Sophisticated Traditional Upscale Downtown Inviting Overlooking-SoHo Studios (Group 11):
@joshuakguo (jcg294)
@nicolethean (nct43)
Cynthia Li (csl97)
@sabrinali2002 (sl3324)
@tanyazhouu (tz337)
@kimmylin727 (kl565)
@choongjae (cl2362)
@jffzhou (jlz45)
9 Lives
Technical Prototype
March 25, 2023
A prototype with improved movement controls and variety of obstacles. The prototype includes basic controls of walking, jumping, dashing, climbing. A new feature, body switching, has been added. With body switching, the player can switch into the nearest valid dead body. New obstacles such as AI mobs, reflectable mirrors with lasers, and moving doors have also been added. Player can still interact with two types of activators: button (activated only when pressed) and switch (activated per press).
Gameplay Prototype
Sophisticated Traditional Upscale Downtown Inviting Overlooking-SoHo Studios (Group 11):
@joshuakguo (jcg294)
@nicolethean (nct43)
Cynthia Li (csl97)
@sabrinali2002 (sl3324)
@tanyazhouu (tz337)
@kimmylin727 (kl565)
@choongjae (cl2362)
@jffzhou (jlz45)
9 Lives
Gameplay Prototype
March 11, 2023
An initial prototype with basic movement and obstacles to produce a cat corpse. The prototype includes basic controls of walking, jumping, and dashing along with a simple platform with obstacles (spikes, flamethrower, laser) that kill the player. Player can also interact with two types of activators: button (activated only when pressed) and switch (activated per press).