This plugins provides integration for Direct (server) Sagepay integrations. It supports 3D Secure.
This plugin is been used at least on one production website with over 10,000 successfully processed transactions.
$ composer require sbarbat/sylius-sagepay-plugin
Add plugin dependencies to your AppKernel.php file:
public function registerBundles()
return array_merge(parent::registerBundles(), [
new \Sbarbat\SyliusSagepayPlugin\SbarbatSyliusSagepayPlugin(),
By default sylius stores prices as integer values representing the amount in cents/pence or smallest unit.
If you have modified sylius to store money amounts in a different format, or with a different precision, then you will need to override.
Example, if your copy of sylius stores 4 decimals instead of 2, then you will need to override the class like this:
<?php declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace App\Provider\Sagepay;
use Sbarbat\SyliusSagepayPlugin\Provider\AmountProvider as BaseAmountProvider;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\PaymentInterface;
class AmountProvider extends BaseAmountProvider
public function getAmount(PaymentInterface $payment): string
return (string) ($payment->getAmount() / 10000);
and add an entry to your service config to point to it:
class: App\Provider\Sagepay\AmountProvider
Do you want us to customize this plugin for your specific needs? Write us an email on [email protected]