IRC: / #axlsx
Author: Randy Morgan
Copyright: 2011
License: MIT License
Latest Version: 1.0.6
Ruby Version: 1.8.7 - 1.9.3
Release Date: July 27th 2012
Acts_as_xlsx is an active record plugin for Axlsx. It makes generating excel spreadsheets from any subclass of ActiveRecord::Base as simple as a couple of lines of code.
**1. Mixes into active record base to provide to_xlsx
**2. Can work at the end of any series of finder methods.
**3. Can accept any set of find options
**4. Automates localization of column heading with i18n support
**5. Lets you specify columns and methods chains you want to call to populate your table in one go.
**6. Gives you access to the axlsx package so you can add styles, charts and pictures to satisfy those flashy sales guys.
**7. Plays nicely with both ruby 1.8.7 + rails 2.3 as well as ruby 1.9.3 + rails 3
**8. Automatically registers xlsx Mime type for use in respond_to web-service support.
**9. Allows you to specify the Axlsx package to add your data to so you can create a single workbook with a sheet for each to_xlsx call.
To install, use the following command:
$ gem install acts_as_xlsx
See the Guides here:
[] (
For examples on how to use axlsx for custom styles, charts, images and more see:
This gem is 100% documented with YARD, an exceptional documentation library. To see documentation for this, and all the gems installed on your system use:
gem install yard
yard server -g
This gem has 100% coverage using Test::Unit
July.27.12: 1.0.6 release
- conditionaly register XLSX mime type
February.14.12: 1.0.5 release
- acts_as_xlsx propery declares it's dependancy on i18n instead of relying on the parent gem.
December.7.11: 1.0.4 release
- acts_as_xlsx now supports specifying the Axlsx package the export will be added to
- Support for custom named and I18n names for worksheets.
Please see the {} document for past release information.
Acts_as_xlsx © 2011 by Randy Morgan. Acts_as_xlsx is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the {file:LICENSE} document for more information.