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Releases: strand-tech/strand


20 Nov 21:43
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  • The sample dataset has been replaced with real-world data. Pricing data has
    been sourced from the Tiingo Stock API, and financial data has been sourced from
    EDGAR. The dataset includes size and value factors for most of the stocks in the
    S&P 500 for the period June-August 2020.

  • The sample shiny app has multiple improvements, including the ability to load
    simulation results and improved visualizations.

  • The PortOpt class has been exported. This class can be used to solve single
    portfolio optimization problems.

  • Writing html reports for a simulation based on an Rmd template is now possible
    using the writeReport method of the Simulation class.

  • Delistings can now be entered with a delisting return.

  • Average volume has been changed to a market value measure from a shares
    measure. This makes it much easier to provide a measure of ADV (average daily
    volume) in a reference currency for setting trading and position limit
    constraints. By default the column is called rc_vol.

  • Added input_dates parameter to Simulation class constructor. The date vector
    passed to input_dates contols the dates on which input data (e.g., alpha and
    risk factors) is updated.

  • Added force-trim feature to trim back positions that grow too large. Setting
    the simulator configuration parameter force_trim_factor to a numeric value X
    will cause orders to be created that trim positions back to X times their
    maximum allowable size.

  • Added force-exit feature for non-investable securities. Setting the simulator
    configuration parameter force_exit_non_investable to TRUE will cause exit
    orders to be created for positions not in the universe during a simulation.

  • Added feature to limit LMV/SMV increase/decrease on a single day. This feature
    is useful when ramping up the portfolio to its target LMV/SMV at the beginning
    of the simulation. For example, setting the simulator configuration parameter
    max_weight_change to 0.1 will limit LMV/SMV increase to 10% of the target
    LMV/SMV per day.

  • Now saving gross, long, and short exposures in addition to net.

  • Standardized simulation result data and plotting methods to have a
    strategy_name parameter where appropriate.

  • Improved handling of delistings.

  • Added new plotting methods for the Simulation class: plotContribution,
    plotTurnover, plotUniverseSize, and plotNonInvestablePct.

  • Added overallReturnsByMonthDf method for the Simulation class.

  • Fixed recording of loosened constraints during simulation.

  • Fixed loading of configuration information in readFeather.


26 May 17:20
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  • The example in the package vignette now uses the sample datasets included in
    the package.

  • overallStatsDf() includes a max drawdown entry.


23 May 15:55
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  • Rsymphony dependency has been moved from Imports to Suggests to make
    installation easier.

  • Example shiny application now uses the sample datasets provided with the package,
    and can now be run directly by calling the new function example_shiny_app().

  • New function example_strategy_config() provides an easy way to grab the
    sample configuration used in examples and the shiny app.


18 May 21:03
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strand 0.1.1

  • Initial version on CRAN