Develop Guide: https://docs.anythingllm.com/agent/custom/developer-guide
Plugin.json: https://docs.anythingllm.com/agent/custom/plugin-json
Handler.js: https://docs.anythingllm.com/agent/custom/handler-js
**Location of the agent-skill ** in my case , when I run docker, the STORAGE_LOCATION is
folder, so my agent-sill is located in the following folder:\anythingllm_host\plugins\agent-skills
Create the custom agent-skill:
create a folder
"My-Custom-{your project name}-hudIds"
in the folderanythingllm_host\plugins\agent-skills
create a plugin.json file
{ "hubId": "My-Custom-project-hudId", "active": false, "name": "My Custom StockQuote agent", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "A plugin to get test custom agent skill", "author": "stoneskin", "author_url": "https://hub.anythingllm.com/u/stoneskin", "license": "MIT", "examples": [ { "prompt": "Use datetime to tell me what time it is", "call": "{\"format\": \"time\", \"timezone\": \"America/New_York\"}" } ], "setup_args": {}, "entrypoint": { "file": "handler.js", "params": {} } }
create the
file with the following code:module.exports.runtime = { handler: async function (symbol) { const callerId = `${this.config.name}-v${this.config.version}`; try { this.introspect( `${callerId} called to get current stock quote for ${symbol}` ); let apikey=`******************` const url = `https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=GLOBAL_QUOTE&symbol=${symbol}&apikey=${apikey}`; const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`); } const data = await response.json(); // Check if the data has an error message directly from the API if (data['Information'] && data['Information'].includes('Invalid API call')) { throw new Error(data['Information']); } return data; } catch (e) { let errorMessage = `${callerId} failed to get stock quote for ${symbol}. Reason: ${e.message}`; this.introspect( errorMessage ); this.logger( errorMessage ); return errorMessage; } } };
copy the
folder form other agent-skill, or usenpm install
to install the required dependencies.# Node modules imported by this skill: .yarn-integrity sax xml2js xmlbuilder