Builds an image with carton, ready to go for your custom apps
> docker build -t stocks29/carton .
Now you get an image called stocks29/carton with plenv setup with the latest perl and carton already installed
You can now use the stocks29/carton image to build your applications container.
Create your application's Dockerfile
# Dockerfile in your web apps dir
FROM stocks29/carton
# Bundle app source
ADD . /src
RUN cd /src; /root/.plenv/shims/carton install --deployment
CMD ["/root/.plenv/shims/carton", "exec", "starman", "-Ilib", "--preload-app", "app.psgi"]
Then build your image
> docker build -t myuser/myapp:1.0 .
Lastly, run it
> docker run -d -p 80:5000 myuser/myapp:1.0
Bob Stockdale