The recording and slides from the meetup.
You have to add some entries to your /etc/hosts
file: keycloak kafka schema-registry
That's needed for host resolution because Kafka brokers and Kafka clients connecting to Keycloak have to use the same hostname to ensure the compatibility of generated access tokens. Also, when Kafka client connects to Kafka broker running inside docker image, the broker will redirect the client to kafka:9092
Preparing local environment:
Required software:
- Docker engine & docker compose (Docker Desktop for Mac or Rancher Desktop)
- Git
- Apache Maven
- httpie (or any other http client)
- kcat (or any other kafka client)
You can install using following command:
brew install git httpie kcat maven
Required software:
- Docker engine & docker compose
- Git
- Apache Maven
- httpie (or any other http client)
- kcat (or any other kafka client)
On Ubuntu you can install last three tools using the following command:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install git httpie kafkacat maven -y
Required software:
- Docker Desktop for Windows
- Git
- Apache Maven
- Windows Subsystem for Linux (for httpie and kcat/kafkacat)
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Use root directory of the repo
cd meetup-schema-registry
- Cleanup
docker rm keycloak kafka zookeeper schema-registry sr-init kc-init
- Start KeyCloak, Apicurio Registry and Kafka
docker-compose up
- Start ServerA app
mvn clean spring-boot:run -f ServerA/pom.xml
- Start ServerB app
mvn clean spring-boot:run -f ServerB/pom.xml
Successful case
John made a purchase of item 20223 for Jane:
cat examples/purchaseOrderV1_Alice.json | http POST 'http://localhost:8085/doSomething' Content-Type:'application/json'
Alice sent a present to Bob:
cat examples/purchaseOrderV1_John.json | http POST 'http://localhost:8085/doSomething' Content-Type:'application/json'
Failed case
John made a purchase of item 20223 for Jane:
cat examples/purchaseOrderV1_Alice-invalid.json | http POST 'http://localhost:8085/doSomething' Content-Type:'application/json'
Alice sent a present to Bob:
cat examples/purchaseOrderV1_John-invalid.json | http POST 'http://localhost:8085/doSomething' Content-Type:'application/json'
Successful case
John made a purchase of item 20223 for Jane:
kcat -P -b -t input examples/purchaseOrderV1_Alice.xml
Alice sent a present to Bob:
kcat -P -b -t input examples/purchaseOrderV1_John.xml
In case of successful validation the message will be moved to output topic:
kcat -b -t output
Failed case
John made a purchase of item 20223 for Jane:
kcat -P -b -t input examples/purchaseOrderV1_Alice-invalid.xml
Alice sent a present to Bob:
kcat -P -b -t input examples/purchaseOrderV1_John-invalid.xml
In case of validation failure the message will be moved to dlq topic:
kcat -C -b -t dlq -f '\nKey: %k\t\nHeaders: %h \t\nValue: %s\\n--\n'
Endpoint: http://keycloak:8180/ui/artifacts
Username | Password | Role |
jcooper | jcooper | sr-admin |
fkafka | fkafka | sr-developer |
cdickens | cdickens | sr-readonly |