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war3map.wtg Triggers

Stijn edited this page Dec 11, 2021 · 11 revisions

The wtg file contains the definition of variables, triggers and the contents of gui triggers. Refer to war3map.wct for jass code.

Triggers, comments and scripts can be in any order so check the classifier and disregard the order given below. (it seems all three have the same format so trigger format has been copied for scripts and comments which may be incorrect)

Events, conditions and actions can be in any order so check the classifier and disregard the order given in this document.

Thanks to BogdanW3 for the specification and his hard work on HiveWE!

For the legacy pre 1.31 specification see this page

1.31/1.32 WTG format

char[4]		magic_number
int32		format_version
int32 		game_version

int32		header_count
int32		deleted_header_count
for each deleted_header {
	int32		header_id

int32		library_count
int32		deleted_library_count
for each deleted_library {
	int32		library_id

int32		category_count
int32		deleted_category_count
for each deleted_category {
	int32		variable_id

int32		trigger_count
int32		deleted_trigger_count
for each deleted_trigger {
	int32		variable_id

int32		trigger_comment_count
int32		deleted_comment_count
for each deleted_comment {
	int32		comment_id

int32		custom_script_count
int32		deleted_script_count
for each deleted_script {
	int32		script_id

int32		variable_count
int32		deleted_variable_count
for each deleted_variable {
	int32		variable_id

int32		?
int32		?
int32		trigger_definition_version
int32		existing_variables_count

for each existing_variable {
	string		name
	string		type
	int32		?
	int32		is_array
	if game_version == 7 {
		int32		array_length
	int32		is_initialized
	string		initial_value
	int32		variable_id
	int32		parent_category_id

for each element_count {
	int32		classifier
	if header/library/category {
		int32		category_id
		string		category_name
		if game_version == 7 {
			int32		is_comment
		int32		is_expanded
		int32		parent_category_id
	if trigger/comment/script {
		string		trigger_name
		string		trigger_comment
		if game_version == 7 {
			int32		is_comment
		int32		trigger_id
		int32		is_enabled
		int32		is_custom_script
		int32		initially_off
		int32		run_on_map_initialization
		int32		parent_category_id
		int32		ECA_count

		if trigger {
			for each ECA {
				int32		classifier
				if is_child {
					int32		group
				string		Event
				int32		enabled
				int32		child_eca_count
				ECA[]		ECAs
	} else if variable {
		int32		variable_id
		string		name
		int32		parent_category_id


char[4]		magic_number

Used to identify the file type. Always "WTG!"

int32 		format_version

Used to identify which format the file is.

04 00 00 80 -> 1.31

int32 		game_version

4 -> RoC
7 -> TFT

int32		header_count

Includes both existing and deleted headers. (Map script headers?)

int32		deleted_header_count
for each deleted_header {
	int32		header_id

int32		library_count

Includes both existing and deleted libraries. As to what they even are, BogdanW3 said: "They work almost like map headers for all intents and purposes, but they were likely meant to be exportable and importable between maps"

int32		deleted_library_count
for each deleted_library {
	int32		library_id

last byte is 00 instead of 01


int32		category_count

Includes both existing and deleted categories

int32		deleted_category_count
for each deleted_category {
	int32		variable_id

The last byte is 00 instead of 02


int32		trigger_count

Includes both existing and deleted triggers

int32		deleted_trigger_count
for each deleted_trigger {
	int32		variable_id

The last byte is 00 instead of 03


int32		trigger_comment_count

Includes both existing and deleted comments

int32		deleted_comment_count
for each deleted_comment {
	int32		comment_id

The last byte is 00 instead of 04


int32		custom_script_count

Includes both existing and deleted scripts

int32		deleted_script_count
for each deleted_script {
	int32		script_id

The last byte is 00 instead of 05


int32		variable_count

Includes both existing and deleted variables

int32		deleted_variables_count
for each deleted_variable {
	int32		variable_id

The last byte is 00 instead of 06


int32		?

0 always observed

int32		?

0 always observed

int32		trigger_definition_version

Unconfirmed, seems to be 1 in ROC, 2 in TFT

int32		existing_variables_count

for each existing_variable {
	string		name
	string		type
	int32		?

1 always observed

	int32		is_array
	if game_version == 7 {
		int32		array_length
	int32		is_initialized

1 if initial_value is set.

	string		initial_value
	int32		variable_id

Last byte always 06

	int32		parent_category_id

int32		element_count

map header + library_count + category_count + trigger_count + comment_count + custom_script_count + variable_count

for each map_header/library/category/trigger/comment/script/variable {
	int32		classifier

header: 1
library: 2
category: 4
trigger: 8
comment: 16
custom script 32
variable: 64

	if header/library/category {
		int32		category_id

Last byte is:
header: 00 library: 01 categry: 02

		string		category_name
		if game_version == 7 {
			int32		is_comment
		int32		is_expanded

Whether the folder was expanded in the trigger editor at the time of saving.

		int32		parent_category_id

0 when not a subcategory, otherwise it refers to its parent ID

	if trigger/comment/script {
		string		trigger_name
		string		trigger_comment
		if game_version == 7 {
			int32		is_comment

Always 0 for trigger and custom script

		int32		trigger_id

Last byte for every type is:
trigger: 03
comment: 04
script: 05

		int32		is_enabled

Always 1 for comments, differing for triggers and custom script

		int32		is_custom_script

Always 1 for custom script, 1 for converted triggers, always 0 otherwise

		int32		initially_off

Always 0 for custom script and comments. Variable for triggers

		int32		run_on_map_initialization

Only possible for triggers converted to text? Alweays 0 for comments and custom script?

		int32		parent_category_id
		int32		ECA_count

		if trigger {
			for each ECA {
				int32		classifier

event: 0
condition: 1
action: 2

				if is_child {
					int32		group
				string		Event
				int32		enabled

Effectively a boolean

				int32		child_eca_count
				ECA[]		ECAs
	} else if variable {
		int32		variable_id

Last byte always 06

		string		name
		int32		parent_category_id