The yaml file cloud_dashboards.yaml is used by Grafana to know where to pull provisioned dashboards from and set some rules with them.
- Openstack Hypervisor Status: Shows the status of Hypervisors in Production
Kiosk - Dashboards that are useful to have on rotation:
- Openstack L flavor availability: Shows the availablity of all L flavors
- Openstack GPU pool availability: Shows the availability of the GPU flavors
- Openstack Hypervisor overview: Shows the status of Hypervisors as a whole
- Openstack service availabilty: Shows the current status of each Openstack component
Power Metrics:
- Cloud power metrics: Shows the energy usage across a variety of machines along with cumulative measurements
- Cloud rack average energy usage: Shows the energy usage across each rack
Service Status:
- Cloud VM details: Dashboard of the number of VMs over time.
- Cloud VM overview: Overview of the current number of VMs in different states.
- OpenStack service status: Shows the Status of services
- OpenStack service status Breakdown: Breakdown of service statuses
- OpenStack availability over time: Shows the average availability over a set time period
- OpenStack Service Graphs: Shows the graphs for OpenStack Components
Slots Available:
- OpenStack GPU usage: GPU Usage on Production across all GPU flavors
- Openstack slots available: Shows available flavor capacity for L and GPU flavors
Weekly Reporting (WIP):
- Weekly Reporting KH
- Weekly Reporting DW