NYCMesh is a community-driven, decentralized wireless network initiative based in New York City. It aims to provide affordable and accessible internet connectivity to residents and businesses by creating a mesh network. In a mesh network, individual nodes (routers) connect to each other, forming a web-like structure that can transmit data across the network without relying solely on traditional Internet service providers (ISPs).
This application will provide means for NYCMesh to manage it's wireless sectors that are being used to transport data across city blocks. The main feature of the application is to display a map of NYC that show the different routers NYCMesh manage. The web application will also plot the sector coverage (lobe shaped) of each router to assist NYCMesh in visualizing potential interference and plan for network maintenance/expansions.
Download the repo by running
git clone
Create a new branch. Follow the conventions to name your branch. ex
git checkout -b feature/name_of_feature
Make your changes and add your changes:
git add {modified_file}
Commit your changes
git commit -m "Commit message"
Push your changes
git push --set-upstream origin {branch_name}
Submit a pr.
To run the application:
- Initialize the docker deamon. In mac and windows the docker deamon will start when you open the Docker desktop app.
- Remove existing postgres volumes. This will ensure that the database is populated correclty
docker volume rm nycmesh-node-visualizer_postgres_data
- Initialize docker
docker-compose up --build
- When ever you are done using the application run:
docker-compose down
Note: Docker will run the Next.js application and will initialize the Postgres database. Therefore, the service will be running in the Docker container but it will still be accessible in port 3000
We use jest to perform unit testing in our application. To add a new test add it to tests/
Since we are using docker to initialize the database, if your unit test requires the database you have to run
the tests from the docker container.
To do that run
docker compose run nycmesh-node-visualizer npm run unittest
After running the command you should see a log of all the unit tests.
Note: If you made changes to the unit tests and when running docker compose run nycmesh-node-visualizer npm run unittest
you don't see your changes reflected, you can rebuild the container by running docker-compose up --build
Start the docker container
docker-compose up
Connect to Docker shell
docker exec -it nycmesh-node-visualizer-postgres-1 psql -U postgres
You now have access to the shell of the container To connect to nycmesh database run
\c nycmesh
To see all the available tables run
To view data inside a Table
TABLE antennas;