Releases: steven-tey/novel
[email protected]
Breaking Changes
- simpleExtensions is no longer exported, instead you have to configure each extension manually
What's Changed
- fix : bold text color + bold highlight color by @MODSetter in #403
- Fix: Wrap suggestionItems with by @ziyadev in #410
- bug: Usage of
removes focus from tippy popover Fixes #412 by @tautastic in #413 - fix: remove default extensions and make them standalone exports by @cristianrdu in #417
- feature: add mathematics extension by @phyohtetarkar in #420
New Contributors
- @ziyadev made their first contribution in #410
- @tautastic made their first contribution in #413
- @phyohtetarkar made their first contribution in #420
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.5.0
[email protected]
What's Changed
- Feat: Specify Element to which Slash Commands are Added by @missingsemicolononline8 in #400
- feature: add twitter extension by @cristianrdu in #407
New Contributors
- @missingsemicolononline8 made their first contribution in #400
- @cristianrdu made their first contribution in #407
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.4.3
[email protected]
What's Changed
- fix: codeblock-lowlight doesn't render in html output by @MODSetter in #395
- bump tiptap-extension-global-drag-handle to latest
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.4.2
[email protected]
Breaking Changes
- getPrevText is now exported from novel/utils
- import { getPrevText } from "novel/extensions";
+ import { getPrevText } from "novel/utils";
- drag handle has to be explicitly added to the extension array
+ import { GlobalDragHandle } from "novel/extensions";
const extensions = [..., GlobalDragHandle]
What's Changed
- migrated eslint/prettier to biome
- #370-fix-cannot-remove-a-selected-link-in-the-bubble-menu by @code-sharad in #374
- feat: Added support for code blocks syntax highlighting by @ankuragrwl in #375
- feat: Basic YT Embeds + CharCount Support by @MODSetter in #386
- Image is deleted if an error occurs by @hernancito in #390
- novel/utils exports a series of utils functions
//returns document content until a give position in doc
import { getPrevText} from "novel/utils";
const pos = editor.state.selection.from;
const text = getPrevText(editor, pos);
//returns document content as markdown string
import { getAllContent} from "novel/utils";
New Contributors
- @code-sharad made their first contribution in #374
- @ankuragrwl made their first contribution in #375
- @MODSetter made their first contribution in #386
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.4.1
[email protected]
- Fix regression #363
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.3.1
[email protected]
What's Changed
- fix(docs): tailwind extensions guide by @arielweinberger in #354
- feat: support for custom OpenAI base url by @xyspg in #358
- Updated Drag Handle by @NiclasDev63 in #361
New Contributors
- @arielweinberger made their first contribution in #354
- @xyspg made their first contribution in #358
- @NiclasDev63 made their first contribution in #361
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.3.0
[email protected]
What's Changed
- fix: not show bubble menu if editor cannot be editable by @EnriqueSantos-dev in #347
- Resolves #234 by @haydenbleasel in #350
New Contributors
- @EnriqueSantos-dev made their first contribution in #347
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.2.13
[email protected]
Breaking Changes
has to directly wrap theEditorCommandItems
(this is because of cmdk).
{ => (
This change was made to support wrapping of EditorCommandList with custom components.
What's Changed
- Fix typo in development.mdx by @dongree in #338
- feat: expose editor command list by @andrewdoro in #342
New Contributors
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.2.12
[email protected]
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.2.11
What's Changed
- feat: add ai features example by @andrewdoro in #297
- Novel now exports a couple of utilities for dealing with AI cases:
//this extension is used for highlighting text for the AI
import { AIHighlight } from "novel/extensions";
//call this function when entering in AI mode to highlight current selection
import { addAIHighlight } from "novel/extensions";
//call this function when AI mode is no longer used
import { removeAIHighlight } from "novel/extensions";
//this function returns the current selection in Markdown
import { getPrevText } from "novel/extensions";
You can see an example implementation
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.2.11
[email protected]
## Update to 0.2.10, this version is missing type definitions
Breaking Changes
was removed from the library
It was broken into multiple functions that have to be passed in the editorProps
require a custom uploadFn for uploading images (See guide here)
import { handleImageDrop, handleImagePaste } from "novel/plugins";
import { handleCommandNavigation } from "novel/extensions";
handleDOMEvents: {
keydown: (_view, event) => handleCommandNavigation(event),
handlePaste: (view, event) =>
handleImagePaste(view, event, uploadFn),
handleDrop: (view, event, _slice, moved) =>
handleImageDrop(view, event, moved, uploadFn),
What's Changed
- Show grabbing cursor when grabbing drag handle by @haydenbleasel in #334
- feat: add custom upload config by @andrewdoro in #335
Full Changelog:[email protected]@0.2.9