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CLI tool to help run suites of benchmarks , and compare results over time, between control implementations, across branches and with or without YJIT.


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Awfy (Are We Fast Yet)

CLI tool to help run suites of benchmarks and compare results between control implementations, across branches and with or without YJIT.

The benchmarks are written using a simple DSL in your target project.

Supports running:

Awfy can also create summary reports of the results which can be useful for comparing the performance of different implementations (supported for IPS and memory benchmarks).

Example Report:

|                           Struct/#some_method                             |
| Branch | Runtime | Name                       | IPS         | Vs baseline |
| perf   | mri     |                 Ruby Struct|      3.288M |      2.26 x |
| perf   | yjit    |                 Ruby Struct|      3.238M |      2.22 x |
| perf   | yjit    |                    MyStruct|      2.364M |      1.62 x |
| main   | yjit    |                    MyStruct|      2.255M |      1.55 x |
| perf   | mri     |         (baseline) MyStruct|      1.455M |      -      |
| main   | mri     |                    MyStruct|      1.248M |      -1.1 x |
| perf   | yjit    |                 Dry::Struct|      1.213M |      -1.2 x |
| perf   | mri     |                 Dry::Struct|    639.178k |     -2.28 x |
| perf   | yjit    |     ActiveModel::Attributes|    487.398k |     -2.99 x |
| perf   | mri     |     ActiveModel::Attributes|    310.554k |     -4.69 x |


Add the gem to your application:

group :development, :test do
  gem "awfy", require: false

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

gem install awfy


Imagine we have a custom implementation of a Struct class called MyStruct. We want to compare the performance of our implementation with the built-in Struct class and other similar implementations.

First, we need to create a setup file in the benchmarks/setup.rb directory. For example:

# setup.rb

# We need to require Awfy to use the DSL in our tests
require "awfy"

require "dry-struct"
require "active_model"

class DryStruct < Dry::Struct
  attribute :name, Types::String
  attribute :age, Types::Integer

class ActiveModelAttributes
  include ActiveModel::API
  include ActiveModel::Attributes
  attribute :name, :string
  attribute :age, :integer

# ... etc

Then we write benchmarks in files in the benchmarks/tests directory. For example:

# benchmarks/tests/struct.rb

# A group is a collection of related reports "Struct" do
  # A report is a collection of tests related to one method or feature we want to benchmark
  report "#some_method" do
    # We do not want to the benchmark to include the creation of the object
    my_struct = "John", age: 30)
    ruby_struct =, :age).new("John", 30)
    dry_struct = "John", age: 30)
    active_model_attributes = "John", age: 30)
    # "control" blocks are used to compare the performance to other implementations
    control "Ruby Struct" do
    control "Dry::Struct" do
    control "ActiveModel::Attributes" do
    # This is our implementation under test
    test "MyStruct" do

IPS Benchmarks & Summary Reports

Say you are working on performance improvements in a branch called perf.

git checkout perf

# ... make some changes ... then run the benchmarks

bundle exec awfy ips Struct "#some_method" --compare-with=main --runtime=both

Note the comparison here is with the "baseline" which is the "test" block running on MRI without YJIT enabled, on the current branch.

Running IPS for:
> Struct/#some_method...
> [mri - branch 'perf'] Struct / #some_method
> [mri - branch 'main'] Struct / #some_method
> [yjit - branch 'perf'] Struct / #some_method
> [yjit - branch 'main'] Struct / #some_method
|                           Struct/#some_method                             |
| Branch | Runtime | Name                       | IPS         | Vs baseline |
| perf   | mri     |                 Ruby Struct|      3.288M |      2.26 x |
| perf   | yjit    |                 Ruby Struct|      3.238M |      2.22 x |
| perf   | yjit    |                    MyStruct|      2.364M |      1.62 x |
| main   | yjit    |                    MyStruct|      2.255M |      1.55 x |
| perf   | mri     |         (baseline) MyStruct|      1.455M |      -      |
| main   | mri     |                    MyStruct|      1.248M |      -1.1 x |
| perf   | yjit    |                 Dry::Struct|      1.213M |      -1.2 x |
| perf   | mri     |                 Dry::Struct|    639.178k |     -2.28 x |
| perf   | yjit    |     ActiveModel::Attributes|    487.398k |     -2.99 x |
| perf   | mri     |     ActiveModel::Attributes|    310.554k |     -4.69 x |

Memory Profiling

bundle exec awfy memory Struct "#some_method"

Produces a report like:

|                                                  Struct/.new                                                   |
| Branch | Runtime | Name                       | Total Allocations | Vs baseline | Total Retained | Vs baseline |
| perf   | mri     |    ActiveModel::Attributes |            1.200k |      3.33 x |            640 |           ∞ |
| perf   | yjit    |    ActiveModel::Attributes |            1.200k |      3.33 x |              0 |        same |
| perf   | mri     |                Dry::Struct |               360 |       1.0 x |            160 |           ∞ |
| perf   | mri     | (baseline) Literal::Struct |               360 |           - |              0 |           - |
| perf   | yjit    |                Dry::Struct |               360 |        same |              0 |        same |
| perf   | yjit    |            Literal::Struct |               360 |        same |              0 |        same |
| perf   | mri     |                Ruby Struct |               200 |     -0.56 x |              0 |        same |
| perf   | mri     |                  Ruby Data |               200 |     -0.56 x |              0 |        same |
| perf   | yjit    |                Ruby Struct |               200 |     -0.56 x |              0 |        same |
| perf   | yjit    |                  Ruby Data |               200 |     -0.56 x |              0 |        same |

CLI Options

bundle exec awfy -h
  awfy flamegraph GROUP REPORT TEST     # Run flamegraph profiling
  awfy help [COMMAND]                   # Describe available commands or one specific command
  awfy ips [GROUP] [REPORT] [TEST]      # Run IPS benchmarks
  awfy list [GROUP]                     # List all tests in a group
  awfy memory [GROUP] [REPORT] [TEST]   # Run memory profiling
  awfy profile [GROUP] [REPORT] [TEST]  # Run CPU profiling

  [--runtime=RUNTIME]                                                    # Run with and/or without YJIT enabled
                                                                         # Default: both
                                                                         # Possible values: both, yjit, mri
  [--compare-with=COMPARE_WITH]                                          # Name of branch to compare with results on current branch
  [--compare-control], [--no-compare-control], [--skip-compare-control]  # When comparing branches, also re-run all control blocks too
                                                                         # Default: false
  [--summary], [--no-summary], [--skip-summary]                          # Generate a summary of the results
                                                                         # Default: true
  [--verbose], [--no-verbose], [--skip-verbose]                          # Verbose output
                                                                         # Default: false
  [--ips-warmup=N]                                                       # Number of seconds to warmup the benchmark
                                                                         # Default: 1
  [--ips-time=N]                                                         # Number of seconds to run the benchmark
                                                                         # Default: 3
  [--temp-output-directory=TEMP_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]                        # Directory to store temporary output files
                                                                         # Default: ./benchmarks/tmp
  [--setup-file-path=SETUP_FILE_PATH]                                    # Path to the setup file
                                                                         # Default: ./benchmarks/setup
  [--tests-path=TESTS_PATH]                                              # Path to the tests files
                                                                         # Default: ./benchmarks/tests


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


CLI tool to help run suites of benchmarks , and compare results over time, between control implementations, across branches and with or without YJIT.







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