Name | GitHub | |
Iris Tiong | [email protected] | iristyx |
Francis Featherby | [email protected] | ffeatherby |
Peter Brice | [email protected] | briceybrit |
Steven Brooks | [email protected] | stevegbrooks |
Commodify is an app to visualize and interact with commodity market and weather data.
Existing sources for commodity data deal mostly with individual sectors such as energy or agriculture, but rarely with the whole commodities space, and often with little analysis or interpretation. To get an overview of the entire market, one needs to manually integrate data from many different resources, which is time intensive and technically difficult for most traders and analysts. Commodify is the solution.
Commodify provides a "one-stop-shop" for commodities and weather data, and aims to be a useful resource for trade houses, banks and hedge funds analysing and trading commodities - and the many other markets influenced by commodities.
Exploratory data analysis (EDA) was performed on the downloaded raw datasets to check data availability (presence or absence of null values), usefulness of data, units, and in general to summarize the data characteristics. Subsequently, only relevant data columns, identified to be useful to the project goal, were extracted from the full datasets. Python was used at this stage due to its easy-to-use libraries, including pandas and numpy, which are widely used in data science applications. Microsoft Excel was also used for organizing some data. The processed datasets were hosted on AWS using MySQL.
The web application was developed using React, a user interface framework developed by Facebook. Using the Node package manager, a boilerplate application was set-up via the Node package create-react-app. A list of dependencies (required Node modules) for the client is outlined in the json file "commodify/app/client/package.json". The professional look-and-feel and responsiveness of the webpage was implemented using Bootstrap, an open-source CSS framework, which contains built-in templates for interface components such as navbars and grid layouts.
On the backend we used Express and Node to write handlers for requests and to connect the web application with the database, so as to return results from user queries. A list of dependencies (required Node modules) for the server is outlined in the json file "commodify/app/server/package.json".
Markdown was used to write the final report and other project documents. Markdown is a lightweight markup language used for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor.
Commodify allows the user to search for raw data on commodity supply and demand and also presents visualisations of that data. Furthermore, since weather and climate are crucial determinants of the supply and demand of many commodities, it returns weather data and charts relevant to the commodity search. This illustrates not only trends in the commodities markets, but also the interaction between weather and climate. The site has a homepage and two functional pages, a "Dashboard" and a "Search" page, as well as a static "Contact" page designed for Commidify users to get in touch with the development team for any enquires, complaints, or suggestions.
The dashboard page gives the user a overview of the commodities market in graphical display formats. For the purpose of the project, the information presented on this page is for the USA only, due to the fact the data is most complete and available for the USA. The page contains two charts: the first chart presents a broad overview of production levels of commodities (soy, corn and wheat are the major stocks in USA) and electricity. Total rainfall level is overlaid and presented on the same chart to illustrate the broad relationship between rainfall levels and commodity production levels, if any. The second chart presents the total electricity production of each of the 50 USA states, levels illustrated by the colors (with red being the highest, and light yellow being the lowest).
The search page allows the user to select a commodity sector, for example 'agriculture', or 'renewables'. After selecting one of these options the user will be presented with the option to search for country or USA state level data, and will then be shown drop-down menus for the data available. Once the selections are made and the 'Submit' button is pressed, the user will see the commodity's production and consumption data in graphical display (line chart) and tabular form. Should the user select to view commodity data for a USA state (instead of country), an additional query is performed to retrieve weather information for the selected state. Monthly average rainfall and temperature data are then presented in a separate chart and tabular format below the first chart.
The datasets used in the application mainly agricultural commodities data, energy supply and demand data, as well as weather data obtained from public domains.
Description: a dataset containing commodities and their prices around the world, including trading value at the beginning and end of each month.
Size: ~200 MB with ~2 million rows and 12 features.
A commodity is identified by "Commodity_Code", and also has location, time, and various attributes attached to its value.
A quick peek at the first 5 rows of the data shows the following (column names changed for brevity; not all columns shown):
ccode comm cntry mrkt_yr year month attr_id attr unit_id unit_desc val 577400 Almonds AF 2010 2018 10 20 Beginning Stocks 21 (MT) 0 577400 Almonds AF 2010 2018 10 125 Domestic Consumption 21 (MT) 0 577400 Almonds AF 2010 2018 10 176 Ending Stocks 21 (MT) 0 577400 Almonds AF 2010 2018 10 88 Exports 21 (MT) 0 577400 Almonds AF 2010 2018 10 57 Imports 21 (MT) 0 -
Number of unique values for each column (original column names):
col_name unique Commodity_Code 63 Commodity_Description 63 Country_Code 212 Country_Name 213 Market_Year 62 Calendar_Year 62 Month 13 Attribute_ID 71 Attribute_Description 71 Unit_ID 11 Unit_Description 11 Value 44725 -
Summary statistics for numeric columns:
Market_Year Calendar_Year Unit_ID Value Min. :1960 Min. :1959 Min. : 2.000 Min. : -9510 1st Qu.:1979 1st Qu.:2006 1st Qu.: 8.000 1st Qu.: 0 Median :1992 Median :2006 Median : 8.000 Median : 15 Mean :1992 Mean :2006 Mean : 9.833 Mean : 11937 3rd Qu.:2007 3rd Qu.:2014 3rd Qu.: 8.000 3rd Qu.: 212 Max. :2021 Max. :2021 Max. :29.000 Max. :42528700
2. For energy and electricty data: Current and historical energy supply and demand data from the Energy Information Agency, part of the United States Department of Energy, Current and historical electricity supply and demand data from the Energy Information Agency, part of the United States Department of Energy, and Historical energy data from the Statistical Review of World Energy by BP
Description: The EIA produces data sets released weekly and monthly which contain thousands of data points on US and global energy production and consumption. Two of the csv datasets which were used were: "Retail Sales of Electricity by State by Sector by Provider (EIA-861)" (analogous to consumption of electricity) and “Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source (EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923).” Total electricity consumption from "Sales to Ultimate Customers" in megawatthours by state by year was manually merged with total (from all energy sources) electricity production/generation into a single csv.
In addition, BP produces an annual report which contains a consolidated dataset, panel format, of annual production and consumption data of energy types for countries from 1965 to 2019. All values are in exajoule (EJ) except for crude oil which was converted from megatonnes using a conversion factor of 23.44(m)tonnes/EJ. This dataset was added to provide more country specific energy data, specifically data of consumption and production of Crude Oil, Coal, Natural gas and Renewable energy.
Size: the data are provided in various packages and formats, some overlapping, but there are at least hundreds of features per week in data stretching back decades, i.e. thousands of rows.
The data are mostly time series. They show various aspects of supply and demand, e.g. production, consumption, inventories etc., for a given geographical region, such as a state or country, on a sequence of dates of in a sequence of periods. For the final project, only production and consumption data by political identity, by year was used.
Below are some example lines from a CSV file dealing with US crude oil production in the lower 48 United States by month in 2020 in thousands of barrels (column names changed for brevity).
Date U.S. Prod East Coast Prod Florida Prod New York Prod 2020-06-15 313264 1967 69 23 2020-07-15 340152 1968 122 23 2020-08-15 328099 2189 122 23 2020-09-15 326114 2309 108 23 2020-10-15 323387 2359 113 23 2020-11-15 333721 2180 117 23 -
Summary statistics:
Date US Prod East Cost Prod Florida Prod New York Prod Min. :1981-01-15 00:00:00 Min. :119208 Min. : 399.0 Min. : 35.0 Min. : 9.00 1st Qu.:1990-12-30 12:00:00 1st Qu.:175752 1st Qu.: 649.5 1st Qu.: 174.5 1st Qu.:19.00 Median :2000-12-15 00:00:00 Median :212585 Median : 861.0 Median : 370.0 Median :28.00 Mean :2000-12-14 11:43:27 Mean :223392 Mean :1171.7 Mean : 511.4 Mean :33.37 3rd Qu.:2010-11-30 00:00:00 3rd Qu.:263536 3rd Qu.:1518.0 3rd Qu.: 542.5 3rd Qu.:35.50 Max. :2020-11-15 00:00:00 Max. :396865 Max. :4243.0 Max. :3606.0 Max. :96.00
3. Current and historical weather data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Center for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Description: a dataset containing daily weather data for weather stations in the USA, including, from 1929 to the present (2021).
Size: ~ over 20 GB with 28 features, including temperature, dewpoint, surface elevation, rainfall, wind speed, etc. The full dataset was downloaded and relevant information was extracted. Only state, rainfall and temperature data were retained for simplicity and usefulness.
A quick peek at the first 5 rows of the data shows the following (column names changed for brevity; not all columns shown):
Entity_id Year Month Temperature Precipitation 108 1931 1 30.35 70.96 108 1931 2 35.96 46.42 108 1931 3 43.77 35.48. 108 1931 4 10.00 10.00. 108 1931 5 12.90 12.90 -
Number of unique values for each column (selected useful column):
col_name unique Entity_id 53 Year 91 Month 12 Temperature 7524 Precipitation 5985 -
Summary statistics for numeric columns:
Entity_id Year Temperature Precipitation Min. :1 Min. :1931 Min. :-10.2 Min. :0 1st Qu.:109 1st Qu.:1960 1st Qu.:41.06 1st Qu.:2.9 Median :159 Median :1981 Median :56.54 Median :10.58 Mean :152 Mean :1980 Mean :54.82 Mean :17.84 3rd Qu.:197 3rd Qu.:2001 3rd Qu.:70.25 3rd Qu.:30.35 Max. :262 Max. :2021 Max. :94.20 Max. :87.55
The commodities and weather data were sourced as txt and csv files and processed using python notebooks such as commodity_usda_state.ipynb in our submission. This removed problem values, made names and units consistent, dropped unwanted columns and so on. In particular, the massive weather dataset (over 20GB of csv files) provided information in terms of daily statistics collected across virtually all global weather stations, from the years 1929 to the present (2021). In order to render the dataset useful for the application, data aggregation was performed to obtain average monthly statistics in US states only.
The processed data were output as csv files and then uploaded to the database via MySQL. The database can be recreated using the DDL.sql file which links to the provided csv files.
The major entity resolution questions concerned how to deal with the problem that different commodities have different attributes (for example corn has acreage but electricity does not), and different data are available at the country and state levels, for example wheat production data are available by country and by US state, but wheat consumption is only available at the country level. We decided that the best solution for the user was to include all the commodities supply and demand data in a single table, called Commodity, meaning we avoided having many different tables with different attributes at the cost of having many null values in the table. For example, Commodity was not split into Agriculture and Non-agriculture tables even though only production and consumption data is populated for Non-agriculture commodities (the rest of the non-primary key values are null).
The Commodity table is in BCNF. We achieved this by placing metadata, such as the sector each commodity belongs to (e.g. agriculture for soybeans), to a separate table called Commodity_Group, and also the Political_Entity table, which contains information about countries and US states, including their names and the id used in the Commodity table. (It was necessary to use ids rather than names because there is a country called Georgia and also a state!) We determined which territories to include and which versions of their names to use, which abbreviations, and their ids, manually in Excel. The Commodity_Group and Political_Entity tables are also in BCNF. It was necessary to decide which countries and territories to include (for example we excluded the Netherlands Antilles from our list of political entities, although we had historic data for them, because that country was dissolved in 2010), which exact names to use for them, and which abbreviations.
The weather data are held in a table called Weather, which is also in BCNF. While a range of climate parameters were included in the raw dataset, the team identified that rainfall and precipitation were the most relevant weather parameters to study commodities trends, and hence, other weather data was omitted (e.g. wind speeds, haze) at this stage of the project to avoid unnecessary complexity of the dataset.
- Commodity (name, year, month, pe_id, beginning_stocks, ending_stocks, imports, exports, acreage, yield, production, consumption)
Total instances in Commodity: 177,457
- Commodity_Group (name, group_name)
Total instances in Commodity_Group: 68
- Political_Entity (id, name, is_country, abbrev, geo_id)
Total instances in Political_Entity: 269
- Weather (pe_id, year, month, temp, rainfall)
Total instances in Weather: 50,136
Political Entity (pe_id) provides the foreign key between Commodity and Weather.
Building the search function involved devising numerous complex searches to ensure that at each stage of the selection process the user sees only options which will result in non-null results. For example, the following query ensures that once the user has selected a commodity sector and whether they want state or country-level data, they will only be able to choose from commodities for which the database holds data for some of the relevant attributes in 2019 (the last year with full data available):
FROM Commodity C JOIN Political_Entity P ON JOIN Commodity_Group G ON =
WHERE P.is_country='${eT}' AND C.year=2019 AND G.group_name='${sector}' AND ((C.production != 0 OR C.production != null)
OR (C.consumption != 0 OR C.consumption != null) OR (C.ending_stocks != 0 OR C.ending_stocks != null))
Likewise, the below query returns a list of only those states or countries for which there is data for 2019 for one of the relevant attributes for the commodity previously selected:
FROM Political_Entity
WHERE is_country = '${eT}' and name IN (
FROM Commodity C JOIN Political_Entity P ON
WHERE = '${commodity}' AND ((C.production != 0 OR C.production != null)
OR (C.consumption != 0 OR C.consumption != null) OR (C.ending_stocks != 0 OR C.ending_stocks != null)));
Once a commodity and state or country have been selected, the below query returns the relevant production, consumption and ending stock data for recent years:
SELECT C.year, C.production, C.consumption, C.ending_stocks
FROM Commodity C JOIN Political_Entity P on C.pe_id =
WHERE = '${commodity}' and = '${entity}' AND C.year > 2012;
Finally, if the user selected a state, the below query returns climate data for that state, specifically average temperature and rainfall for each month, based on data for the last fifty years:
SELECT month, AVG(temp) AS temp, AVG(rainfall) AS rainfall
FROM Weather W JOIN Political_Entity P ON
WHERE = '${state}' and W.Year > 1970
GROUP BY month
The above queries completed in a satisfactory time.
The Dashboard page used the following queries to obtain the data needed for the chart:
SELECT C.year,
SUM(IF( ='Oilseed, Soybean', production, NULL )) AS soy_prod,
SUM(IF('Corn', production, NULL )) AS corn_prod,
SUM(IF('Wheat', production, NULL )) AS wheat_prod,
ROUND(SUM(IF('Electricity', production, NULL ))/100000) AS elec_prod,
ROUND(SUM(W.rainfall)) AS rainfall
FROM commodify.Commodity C
JOIN commodify.Political_Entity PE ON C.pe_id =
JOIN commodify.Weather W ON = W.pe_id
WHERE C.year < 2020 AND C.year >= 1990 AND PE.is_country = 0
GROUP BY C.year;
We used the following to assess the performance of the original query:
set profiling=1;
SHOW profile;
Which showed us the following (average of 10 runs):
Status | Duration |
Opening tables | 0.000616 |
init | 0.000008 |
System lock | 0.00001 |
optimizing | 0.000019 |
statistics | 0.000061 |
preparing | 0.000031 |
Creating tmp table | 0.000042 |
executing | 4.651374 |
end | 0.000013 |
query end | 0.000005 |
Clearly, the most expensive thing is the actual execution.
To look at number of page I/Os, we used:
SHOW STATUS LIKE 'last_query_cost';
Which showed us that there are around 200,000 page reads for this query.
Instead of using
for the selection and grouping, we usedWeather.year
Commodity is a much bigger table: about 175,000 rows vs. 50,000 rows.
This reduced the page reads by half, but did not affect the query speed.
We then investigated further and found that we only have Commodity data by year in the US, but we have Weather data by month. So when the JOIN happens, it basically does a cartesian product of the cardinality of
times the cardinality ofWeather
. The solution then became obvious - use a subquery for Weather that groups it by year before the the JOIN:``` SELECT W.year, SUM(IF( ='Oilseed, Soybean', C.production, NULL )) AS soy_prod, SUM(IF('Corn', C.production, NULL )) AS corn_prod, SUM(IF('Wheat', C.production, NULL )) AS wheat_prod, ROUND(SUM(IF('Electricity', C.production, NULL ))/100000) AS elec_prod, W.rainfall AS rainfall FROM (SELECT * FROM ( SELECT year, ROUND(SUM(rainfall)) AS rainfall FROM commodify.Weather GROUP BY year ) AS wby ) AS W JOIN commodify.Commodity C ON W.year = C.year JOIN commodify.Political_Entity PE ON = C.pe_id WHERE PE.is_country = 0 GROUP BY C.year; ```
- The page reads fell to just over 5,000, and the query time fell to around half a second - a 10x improvement.
Below is the profile table after making the optimization (average of 10 runs):
Status | Duration |
Opening tables | 0.000091 |
init | 0.000007 |
System lock | 0.000009 |
optimizing | 0.000004 |
statistics | 0.000017 |
preparing | 0.000010 |
Creating tmp table | 0.000029 |
executing | 0.055620 |
end | 0.000012 |
query end | 0.000005 |
Perhaps the greatest challenge was formatting the website, including building the .css style files and getting user interfaces such as buttons and dropdown menus to function correctly. We struggled, for example, to to get data to render in rows rather than a single column. Without much experience of web design or any obvious single resource for guidance we resorted to a lot of googling (often unsuccesfully) and trial and error.
Follow these steps for connecting to "commodify-db" on AWS with READ ONLY access:
Username: guest Password: wheat
Port: 3306
Run this line in your terminal:
mysql --port=3306 --user=guest -p
Input password at prompt.
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
Backend: Node.js server with MySQL database hosted on AWS.
Frontend: React.js with
for plots and charts andreact-leaflet
for maps.
"dependencies": {
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.11.9",
"@testing-library/react": "^11.2.5",
"@testing-library/user-event": "^12.7.1",
"bootstrap": "^4.6.0",
"chartist": "^0.11.4",
"d3-fetch": "^2.0.0",
"d3-scale": "^3.3.0",
"d3-scale-chromatic": "^2.0.0",
"prop-types": "^15.7.2",
"raw-loader": "^4.0.2",
"react": "^17.0.1",
"react-chartist": "^0.14.4",
"react-dom": "^17.0.2",
"react-markdown": "^6.0.1",
"react-router-dom": "^5.2.0",
"react-scripts": "^4.0.2",
"react-simple-maps": "^2.3.0",
"recharts": "^2.0.9",
"web-vitals": "^1.1.0"
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^1.19.0",
"cors": "^2.8.5",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"expresss": "^0.0.0",
"mysql": "^2.18.1"