As of 2017-01-12 Guava 21 was released which brings Java 8 support to the library. That removes the need for Guavate. Please upgrade to Guava 21
This is a single jar dependency for Guavate written by Stephen Colebourne and included as part of Strata under the Apache 2 License. Guavate code is Copyright (C) 2014 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies.
In order to be able to use Guavate simply from many of my projects without depending on Strata, I have released it here as a simple tiny library (and added a few of my own additions).
To use this library with some Maven compatible dependency management tool, use
or in gradle compile 'com.github.steveash.guavate:guavate:1.0.0'
This depends on
- Guava v19 (though 18 should work as well)
- Apache Commons Lang3 v3.4 (though any lang3 version will work; just for the Pair type)
There are Collector implementations for each of the Immutable collections:
List<String> inputs = Lists.newArrayList("a", "b", "c");
ImmutableSet<String> outputs =
.filter(it -> !it.startsWith("b"))
// outputs is an immutable set of "a" and "c"
There are also some convenient methods for collecting to maps from Map.Entry (and Common-Lang3's Pair as it implements Entry):
Map<String, Integer> inputs = ImmutableMap.of("bob", 1, "jon", 2, "mary", 3);
Map<String,Integer> outputs = inputs.entrySet().stream()
.map(e -> Pair.of(e.getKey().toUpperCase(), e.getValue()))
// outputs is a map of BOB:1, JON:2, MARY:3
Converting an arbitrary iterable into a stream (which should've been in the JDK to begin with):
Iterable<String> values = // ...
Stream<String> streamVals =;
and converting an Optional into a stream of zero or one element:
Optional<String> maybe = // ...
Stream<String> stream =;