- Run Geth and take note of the IPC endpoint.
- Open config.json and modify values per needs.
"port":"3000", // This is the port number the Geth Gateway will run.
"ipc":"\\\\.\\pipe\\geth.ipc", // Confirm the previos noted IPC endpoint value here.
"nodeLimit":{ // This is the configuration of API rate limit for get nodeInfo.
"windowMs": "900000", // Time windows in ms, 900000ms = 15*60*1000ms = 15 minutes.
"max": "10", // Maximum requests allowed in the given time window.
"delayMs": "0",
"message": "Too many requests sent from this IP, please try again after 15 minutes" // Message to send when maximum requests reached.
"blockLimit":{ // This is the configuration of API rate limit for get block.
"windowMs": "900000",
"max": "10",
"delayMs": "0",
"message": "Too many requests sent from this IP, please try again after 15 minutes"
"transactionLimit":{ // This is the configuration of API rate limit for get transaction or send transaction.
"windowMs": "900000",
"max": "10",
"delayMs": "0",
"message": "Too many requests sent from this IP, please try again after 15 minutes"
"minerLimit":{ // This is the configuration of API rate limit for start miner or stop miner.
"windowMs": "900000",
"max": "10",
"delayMs": "0",
"message": "Too many requests sent from this IP, please try again after 15 minutes"
"minWorkers": 1,
"maxWorkers": 1
- Double click restore.cmd to resotre node packages.
- Double click start.cmd to start Geth Gateway.
get nodeInfo
get block by block number
get transaction by transaction hash
send transaction
start miner
stop miner