this repo contains my personal dotfiles, managed using chezmoi. Many of the programs are Linux specific. File locations are also Linux specific. I don't use Windows, so I don't have Windows paths configured.
logseq-public-docs folder is super-outdated and I'm too lazy to care. I don't recommend using it. There is a logseq-public-docs folder with various markdown documents inside. It can be added as Logseq graph, but since it's markdown, the files can be viewed easily, even in GitHub itself. The contains detailed instructions on how to install os the way I have it set up.
This file has hardcoded paths to icons containing my username. If you want to use it, you have to replace those paths with your own.
(I don't use those anymore) no-place-like-tilde.svg requires Fira Code font to be installed. no-place-like-tilde_no-font.svg doesn't.
Here is my NeoVim config. It's just customized LazyVim config.
This is my Tmux config. If you want to use this config, please install TPM (Tmux Plugin Manager). You can install it with git using this command:
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
This is a bat custom sunset theme and config file telling bat to use that theme. After applying these dotfiles, you have to run
bat cache --build
Then, bat will recognize the theme.