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Paul Duvall edited this page May 1, 2019 · 8 revisions

Deploying to AWS Serverless Application Repository for Node.js version 8.11

  1. Update from Runtime: nodejs6.10 to Runtime: nodejs8.10 in template-sar.yml and template.yml
  2. Modify the image Image: aws/codebuild/nodejs:8.11.0 in codebuild.yml
  3. Create CloudFormation stack using codebuild.yml. This creates a new CodeBuild Project.
  4. Start the CodeBuild project that you created via CloudFormation
  5. Update CodeUri to use the new S3 location in template-sar.yml based on the most recent CodeBuild run. To find the S3 URI, go to the S3 Console and search for dashboard.
  6. Click the Copy the Badge URL button from the CodeBuild project and paste in the README

From the Production AWS Account

  1. Go to Serverless Application Repository and click Publish new version.
  2. Enter a Semantic version (e.g. 0.0.5)
  3. Enter a Source code URL:
  4. In the SAM template section, click on Browse and upload the most recent template-sar.yml file
  5. Click Publish version
  6. Test from a separate AWS account using AWS Lambda and choosing it from the Browse serverless application repository after clicking the Create function button.