A tool for comparing the output of go list -m -json
go get github.com/stellar/golistcmp
Usage of golistcmp:
golistcmp <go list before> <go list after>
Example (built dependency graph comparison):
git checkout master
go list -json -deps -test ./... | jq -s 'map(select(.Module != null) | .Module) | unique | .[]' > go.list.json.master
git checkout mybranchwithchanges
go list -json -deps -test ./... | jq -s 'map(select(.Module != null) | .Module) | unique | .[]' > go.list.json.mybranchwithchanges
golistcmp go.list.json.master go.list.json.mybranchwithchanges
Example (full dependency graph comparison):
git checkout master
go list -m -json all > go.list.json.master
git checkout mybranchwithchanges
go list -m -json all > go.list.json.mybranchwithchanges
golistcmp go.list.json.master go.list.json.mybranchwithchanges
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