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Repository files navigation


This is a port to Elixir ot Huggingface Hub APIs.

Current functionalities are including:

Command Line Interface

It is possible to compile the CLI using mix command. At the moment the CLI is just allowing three user-related commands: login, logout and whoami.

Logging in

It is needed to put at least the username in command line. The password can be put into after the username or by using the stdin. Once logged in, the token is saved to a local file in order to allow the other commands to use it.

Login getting password from command line

$ ./huggingface_hub --user login stefanof apassword
Login successful
Your token has been saved to /home/stefkohub/.huggingface/token and into git credential store

Login getting password from stdin

$ ./huggingface_hub --user login stefanof
password> [characters are hidden while typing]
Login successful
Your token has been saved to /home/stefkohub/.huggingface/token

Logging out

It not needed any parameter. The logout will clean-up the local files used to store the token.

$ ./huggingface_hub --user logout 
Your token has been deleted from /home/stefkohub/.huggingface/token and from git credential store

Who am I?

It not needed any parameter. The information are taken using the whoami API. At the moment the output is a text containing the Elixir map of whoami response.

$ ./huggingface_hub --user whoami
%{"avatarUrl" => "/avatars/dceacda2d3d48170cbf5333434182f53.svg", "email" => "[email protected]", "emailVerified" => true, "fullname" => "StefkoHub", "name" => "stefkohub", "orgs" => [], "periodEnd" => nil, "plan" => "NO_PLAN", "type" => "user"}

Model listing

# List all models.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.list_models()

# List only text classification models.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.list_models(filter: "text-classification")

# List only Russian models compatible with PyTorch.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.list_models(filter: ["languages:ru", "pytorch"])

# List only the models trained on the "common_voice" dataset.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.list_models(filter: "dataset:common_voice")

# List only the models from the spaCy library.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.list_models(filter: "spacy")

Axon Model listing

This function is allowing the Axon developers to easily search for Axon-dedicated models (thanks to Scott Mueller). It is using list_models with the search: "Axon" automatically added to the parameters.

# List all Axon models.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.list_axon_models()

# List only text classification Axon models.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.list_axon_models(filter: "text-classification")

Explore available public datasets with list_datasets:

# List only text classification datasets.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.list_datasets(filter: "task_categories:text-classification")

# List only datasets in Russian for language modeling.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.list_datasets(filter: ["languages:ru", "task_ids:language-modeling"])

Inspect model or dataset metadata

Get important information about a model or dataset as shown below:

# Get metadata of a single model.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.model_info("distilbert-base-uncased")

# Get metadata of a single dataset.
iex> HuggingfaceHub.dataset_info("glue")

Create a repository

Create a repository with create_repo and give it a name with the name parameter.

iex> HuggingfaceHub.create_repo("test-model")

Delete a repository

Delete a repository with delete_repo. Make sure you are certain you want to delete a repository because this is an irreversible process!

Pass the full repository ID to delete_repo. The full repository ID looks like {username_or_org}/{repo_name}, and you can retrieve it with get_full_repo_name() as shown below:

iex> name = HuggingfaceHub.get_full_repo_name(repo_name)
iex> HuggingfaceHub.delete_repo(name=name)

Delete a dataset repository by adding the repo_type parameter:

iex> HuggingfaceHub.delete_repo(REPO_NAME, "dataset")

Change repository visibility

A repository can be public or private. A private repository is only visible to you or members of the organization in which the repository is located. Change a repository to private as shown in the following:

iex> HuggingfaceHub.update_repo_visibility(REPO_NAME, true)

Upload a file to a repository

The upload_file method uploads files to the Hub. This method requires the following:

  • A path to the file to upload.
  • The final path in the repository.
  • The repository you wish to push the files to.

For example:

iex> HuggingfaceHub.upload_file("/home/dummy-test/", "", "stefkohub/test-model")


The Repository module allows you to push models or other repositories to the Hub. Repository is a wrapper over Git and Git-LFS methods, so make sure you have Git-LFS installed and set up before you begin. The Repository module should feel familiar if you are already familiar with common Git commands.

Clone a repository

The clone_from parameter clones a repository from a Hugging Face model ID to a directory specified by the local_dir argument:

iex> alias Huggingface_hub.Repository
iex> {pid, repo} = Repository.repository([local_dir: "./w2v2", clone_from: "facebook/wav2vec2-large-960h-lv60"])
{#PID<0.276.0>, ""}

The repository function is running a GenServer hence the pid is needed to manage the state in next calls. At the moment it is possible to manage one repository at time so a second call do Repository.repository will overwrite previous state.

clone_from can also clone a repository from a specified directory using a URL (if you are working offline, this parameter should not be used):

iex> {pid, repo} = Repository.Repository([local_dir: "huggingface-hub", clone_from: ""])
{#PID<0.276.0>, ""}

Easily combine the clone_from parameter with create_repo to create and clone a repository:

iex> repo_url = HuggingfaceHub.create_repo("repo_name")
iex> {pid, repo} = Repository([local_dir: "repo_local_path", clone_from: repo_url])
{#PID<0.276.0>, "<path>/<to>/repo_name"}

### Using a local clone

Instantiate a Repository object with a path to a local Git clone or repository:
iex> {pid, repo} = Repository.repository(local_dir: "<path>/<to>/<folder>")

Commit and push to a cloned repository

If you want to commit or push to a cloned repository that belongs to you or your organizations:

  1. Log in to your Hugging Face account with the following command:
$ huggingface-cli login
  1. Instantiate a Repository class:
iex> {pid, repo} = Repository.repository([local_dir: "my-model", clone_from: "<user>/<model_id>"])

You can also attribute a Git username and email to a cloned repository by specifying the git_user and git_email parameters. When users commit to that repository, Git will be aware of the commit author.

iex> {pid, repo} = Repository.repository([
...>   local_dir: "my-dataset", 
...>   clone_from: "<user>/<dataset_id>", 
...>   use_auth_token: true, 
...>   repo_type: "dataset",
...>   git_user: "MyName",
...>   git_email: "[email protected]"
...> ])


Switch between branches with git_checkout. For example, if you want to switch from branch1 to branch2:

iex> {pid, repo} = Repository.repository([local_dir: "huggingface-hub", clone_from: "<user>/<dataset_id>", revision: 'branch1'])
iex> Repository.git_checkout(pid, "branch2")


Update a current local branch with git_pull:

iex> Repository.git_pull(pid)

Set rebase to true if you want your local commits to occur after your branch is updated with the new commits from the remote:

iex> Repository.git_pull(true)

Commit functionality

The combination between repository and commit functions allow to handle four of the most common Git commands: pull, add, commit, and push. git-lfs automatically tracks any file larger than 10MB. In the following example, the two functionalities:

  1. Pull from the text-files repository.
  2. Add a change made to file.txt.
  3. Commit the change.
  4. Push the change to the text-files repository.
iex> {pid, repo} = Repository.repository(local_dir="text-files", clone_from="<user>/text-files")
iex> Repository.commit(pid, [commit_message: "My first file :)"], fn ->
...>"file.txt", [:read, :write], fn file -> 
...>     IO.write(file, "some data here...") 
...>     end)


The Repository module also has a push_to_hub utility to add files, make a commit, and push them to a repository. Unlike the commit functionality, push_to_hub requires you to pull from a repository first, save the files, and then call push_to_hub.

iex> Repository.git_pull(pid)
iex> Repository.push_to_hub(pid, commit_message: "Commit my-awesome-file to the Hub")


The package can be installed by adding huggingface_hub to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:huggingface_hub, git: ""}


A port to Elixir of Huggingface_hub scripts






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