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Node.js library to communicate with Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS) API.


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Node.js library to communicate with Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS) API.

NOTE: This solution is not actively maintained anymore. Contributors to take over are highly welcome. Alternatively use qrs-interact


Install with npm:

$ npm install --save qrs

Table of Contents


var QRS = require('qrs');
var config = {
	"host": 'qsSingle',
	"useSSL": false,	
	"xrfkey": 'ABCDEFG123456789',
	"authentication": "header",
	"headerKey": 'hdr-usr',
	"headerValue": 'qsSingle\\swr'		
var qrs = new QRS( config );

// Now run your command like
qrs.get('qrs/about', function( data ) {
	// do something with the result

Configuration Options

The configuration passed to the constructor of qrs drives how authentication is handled.

Typical configurations

Example using header authentication

var config = {
	authentication: 'header',
	host: '',
	useSSL: true,
	virtualProxy: 'hdr',
	headerKey: 'hdr-usr',
	headerValue: 'mydomain\\justme'

Example using certificates

var config = {
	authentication: 'certificates',
	host: '',
	useSSL: true,
	cert: 'C:\\CertStore\\client.pem',
	key: 'C:\\CertStore\\client_key.pem',
	ca: 'C:\\CertStore\\root.pem',
	port: 4242,
	headerKey: 'X-Qlik-User',
	headerValue: 'UserDirectory=Internal;UserId=sa_repository'

All options

  • authentication - Authentication method, can be "windows", "certificates" or "header", defaults to "windows".
  • host - Qualified / fully qualified name or IP-address of the server where the Qlik Sense Repository server is running on, defaults to ""
  • useSSL - Whether to use SSL or not, defaults to false.
  • headerKey - Header key.
  • headerValue - Header value.
  • virtualProxy - Name of the virtual proxy.
  • port - Port to be used.
  • cert - Path to client certificate file (client.pem).
  • key - Path to client key file (client_key.pem).
  • ca - Path to ca file (root.pem)

Server Setup

There are several options to ensure that communication between this node.js module and Qlik Sense server is working properly:

Authenticating with HTTP headers

Authenticating with a server certificate


Work with Qlik Sense's REST based Repository API (qrs) from within node.js.

Configuration options:


  • qrsConfig {Object}: Global configuration options


var QRS = require('qrs');
var config =  {

var qrs = new QRS( config );

(Internal) generic method to send requests to QRS. Typically this method is only used internally, use get, post, put or delete.


  • method {String}: Http method, can be GET, POST, PUT or DELETE (defaults to GET).
  • endpoint {String}: Endpoint to be used. Check the online documentation of the Qlik Sense Repository API to get a list of all endpoints available.
  • urlParams {Array<string,object>}: Additional URL parameters, defined as key/value array, for example [{"key": "foo", "value": valueObj}].
  • jsonBody {Object}: JSON object to be used as the body for the Http request.
  • body {String}: Body, if not defined as Json object, body needs to be passed as a buffer to e.g. upload a file.
  • additionalRequestOptions {Object}: Additional request options.
  • additionalHeaders {Object}: Additional headers.
  • returns {promise}: Returns a promise.


var QRS = require('qrs');

var qrsConfig = ...; // Set configuration options
var qrs = new QRS( qrsConfig );

qrs.request( 'GET', 'qrs/about', null, null)
   .then( function( data ) {
			console.log( 'about', data );
		}, function ( err ) {
			console.error( 'An error occurred: ', err);

Same as request() but with method: 'GET'.


  • endpoint {String}: QRS endpoint to be used.
  • urlParams {Array<string,object>}: Additional URL parameters, defined as key/value array, for example [{"key": "foo", "value": valueObj}].
  • returns {promise}: Returns a promise.


qrs.get( 'qrs/about')
       .then( function ( data) {
			console.log('about: ', data );
		}, function ( err ) {
			console.error( err );

Same as request() but with method: 'POST'.


  • endpoint {String}: QRS endpoint to be used.
  • urlParams {Array<string,object>}: Additional URL parameters, defined as key/value array, for example [{"key": "foo", "value": valueObj}].
  • jsonBody {Object}: Body to be posted, defined as JSON object.
  • returns {promise}: Returns a promise.

Post a file, actually same as post(), instead of posting a JSON body, posts a file buffer.


  • endpoint {String}: QRS endpoint to be used.
  • urlParams {Array<string,object>}: Additional URL parameters, defined as key/value array, for example [{"key": "foo", "value": valueObj}]
  • {String}: filePath Absolute or relative file path.
  • returns {promise}: Returns a promise.

Same as request() but with method: 'PUT'.

Same as request() but with method: 'DELETE'.

Return the Url for the REST call considering the given configuration options


  • endpoint {string}: Endpoint for the qrs call.
  • urlParams {Object[]}: Additional URL parameters as key/value array.
  • urlParam.key {String}: Key.
  • urlParam.value {Object}: Value.
  • returns {String}: The constructed Url.

Set global configurations options for qrs. Can be used to change the configuration options after qrs has been initialized.


  • qrsConfig {Object}: Global configuration options


var QRS = require('qrs');
var configCert = {
	authentication: 'certificates',
var qrs = new QRS( configCert );

// Talking to the server using certificates
qrs.get('qrs/about', function( result ) {
	// ...

// Change configuration options, e.g.
var configHeader = {
	authentication: 'header',

qrs.setConfig( configHeader);

// Talking to the server, now using header authentication.
qrs.get('qrs/about', function( result ) {
 // ...

Return the current configuration options.

  • returns {qrsConfig} qrsConfig: Configuration object.


var QRS = require('qrs');
var config = {
	host: '';
var qrs = new QRS( config );
var host = qrs.getConfig( 'host' );
console.log(host); //<== ''

Change a single configuration property.


  • key {String}: Key of the property
  • val {Object}: Value


var QRS = require('qrs');
var config = {
	host: '';
var qrs = new QRS( config );

qrs.get('qrs/about', function( result ) {
	// about from

qrs.set('host', '');
qrs.get('qrs/about', function( result ) {
 // about from

Retrieve a single configuration property.


  • key {String}: Key of the property
  • returns {Object}: Value of the requested property, otherwise undefined.

Returns an array of loaded plugins. Use registerPlugin() to load a plugin.

Register a plugin to work with the base class of qrs. Have a look at some of the already existing plugins like ./lib/sugar/ep-mime.js


  • {Object}: plugin


// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Define the plugin.
// ~~
// Purpose: Do something great with extensions.
// Filename: ep-extension.js
// -----------------------------------------------------------

function Extension ( base ) {

	function doSomething() {
		base.get( 'qrs/extension/schema')
			.then( function( result ) {
				// result now holding the result from the server
			}, function (err) {
				// error handling

		return {
			doSomething: doSomething

module.exports = Extension;

// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Register and use it
// -----------------------------------------------------------

var qrs = new QRS( config );

// Use the plugin
qrs.extension.upload( myFile, function( result ) {
		// The file has been uploaded


Think of plugins as some kind of sugar layer with additional business logic on top of qrs. It is easy to either add new plugins to the qrs repository or just to load some external code/plugin. The list of built-in plugins is probably and hopefully a growing one (and hopefully not only created by the author of this document).

The following plugins are available with the current version of qrs:

Plugin "Mime"

Mime type definition

Handle Mime types in QRS.


  • {qrs}: base - Base class, instance of qrs.

Adds a mime type.

When adding the mime type, the following validation logic will be performed:

  • All existing mime types will be grouped by mime, additionalHeaders and binary.
  • If there is already a mime type with the same information compared to the given one, the field extension will be updated. An example is listed below.


  • {Object}: mimeTypeDef
  • {string}: mimeTypeDef.mime - Mime type, e.g. "application/markdown".
  • {string}: mimeTypeDef.extensions - Comma delimited string of supported file extensions, e.g. "md,markdown".
  • {boolean}: mimeTypeDef.additionalHeaders - Additional headers, defaults to null.
  • {boolean}: mimeTypeDef.binary - Whether this is a binary file type or not.
  • returns {promise}


// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Inserting logic
// -----------------------------------------------------------------	 *

// Assuming that the following mime type is already stored:
	extensions: "md"
	mime: "application/markdown",
	additionalHeaders: null,
	binary: false
// If you add the following mime type
	extensions: "markdown"
	mime: "application/markdown",
	additionalHeaders: null,
	binary: false
//this would then result into:
	extensions: "md,markdown"
	mime: "application/markdown",
	additionalHeaders: null,
	binary: false

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Adding a mime type:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------

var mimeType = {
	extensions: "md"
	mime: "application/markdown",
	additionalHeaders: null,
	binary: false

qrs.mime.add( mimeType )
		.then( function (result ) {
			// work with the result
		}, function (err) {
			// error handling

Returns a list of existing mime types.

The list can be filtered by the file-extensions as shown in the example.


  • {string}: filter
  • returns {promise}


getMimeTypes( 'html')
   .then( function (data) {

		// data now contains an array of mime types where the field extensions contains "html"
		// Results: html, xhtml, etc.


Adds an array of mime types (See add for more information about mimeTypeDef).


  • {mimeTypeDef[]}: mimeTypeDefs - Array of mime type definitions.
  • returns {promise}

Add mime types defined in a file. Every line in the file is defined by the following entries, delimited by a semi-colon (;): - extensions - {string} file extension, multiple values separated by a comma, e.g. "md,markdown" - mime - {string} Mime type - additionalHeaders - {boolean} Additional defined headers, leave blank if unsure - binary - {boolean} Whether this is a binary format or not.


  • {String}: filePath - Absolute file path.
  • returns {promise}



Delete a mime entry from the Qlik Sense Repository by its given Id.


  • {String}: id
  • returns {promise}

Returns whether the mime type already exists or not.


  • {mimeTypeDef}: mimeTypeDef
  • returns {object}: result - Returned result.
  • returns {boolean}: result.isUpdate - Whether to update or add.

Running tests

Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:

$ npm install && npm test


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.


Stefan Walther


Copyright © 2018, Stefan Walther. MIT

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.6.0, on January 21, 2018.


Node.js library to communicate with Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS) API.







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