Koa tree router is a high performance router for Koa.
Fast. Up to 11 times faster than Koa-router. Benchmark
Express-style routing using
, etc. -
Support for
405 method not allowed
Multiple middleware per route
The router relies on a tree structure which makes heavy use of common prefixes, it is basically a compact prefix tree (or just Radix tree).
This module's tree implementation is based on julienschmidt/httprouter.
# npm
npm i koa-tree-router
# yarn
yarn add koa-tree-router
const Koa = require("koa");
const Router = require("koa-tree-router");
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
router.get("/", function(ctx) {
ctx.body = "hello, world";
Instance a new router.
const router = require('koa-tree-router')({
ctx.body = "not allowed"
ignoreTrailingSlash: true
Register a new route.
router.on('GET', '/example', (ctx) => {
// your code
If you want to get expressive, here is what you can do:
router.get(path, middleware)
router.delete(path, middleware)
router.head(path, middleware)
router.patch(path, middleware)
router.post(path, middleware)
router.put(path, middleware)
router.options(path, middleware)
router.trace(path, middleware)
router.connect(path, middleware)
If you need a route that supports all methods you can use the all
router.all(path, middleware)
You can add middleware that is added to all future routes:
router.get("/foo", (ctx) => { /* your code */ });
router.get("/bar", (ctx) => { /* your code */ });
router.get("/baz", (ctx) => { /* your code */ });
This is equivalent to:
router.get("/foo", authMiddleware, (ctx) => { /* your code */ });
router.get("/bar", authMiddleware, (ctx) => { /* your code */ });
router.get("/baz", authMiddleware, (ctx) => { /* your code */ });
Caveat: use
must be called before register a new handler. It does not append handlers to registered routes.
Returns router middleware.
A way to create groups of routes without incuring any per-request overhead.
const Koa = require("koa");
const Router = require("koa-tree-router");
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
const group = router.newGroup("/foo");
// add a handler for /foo/bar
group.get("/bar", function(ctx) {
ctx.body = "hello, world";
Middleware added with use()
are also added to the nested routes.
This object contains key-value pairs of named route parameters.
router.get("/user/:name", function() {
// your code
// GET /user/1
// => "1"
There are 3 types of routes:
Pattern: /static
/static match
/anything-else no match
Named parameters have the form :name
and only match a single path segment:
Pattern: /user/:user
/user/gordon match
/user/you match
/user/gordon/profile no match
/user/ no match
Catch-all parameters have the form *name
and match everything. They must always be at the end of the pattern:
Pattern: /src/*filepath
/src/ match
/src/somefile.go match
/src/subdir/somefile.go match
This package has its own declaration files in NPM package, you don't have to do anything extra.