Implementation of multi-valued observables supporting more than one value passed to subscribers via onNext. This library includes operators and static methods to convert to and from the various observable arities including the mono-observable as defined in the core RxJava library.
When a BiObservable
is subscribed to by a BiSubscriber
the onNext(T0, T1)
method will be called passing a pair of elements.
Emits bi-values of an Integer
and its String
representation. The BiObservable's
behavior upon subscription is to subscribe to the source mono-observable once to
generate the string representation.
Observable<Integer> intRange = Observable.range(0,99);
BiObservable<Integer, String> pairs = BiObservable.generate(intRange, (Integer i) -> {return i.toString()});
Emits bi-values of an Integer
and a
where all bi-value's second element are
Observable<Integer> intRange = Observable.range(0,99);
BiObservable<Integer, File> withFile = BiObservable.attach(intRange, new File("log.txt"));
Emits bi-values of a Movie
and a Language
. There will be 1 bi-value for each movie and
language combination.
Observable<Movie> movies = movieService.getMovies();
Observable<Language> langs = geo.getAllLanguages();
BiObservable<Movie, Language> pairs = BiObservable.product(movies, langs);
Emits bi-values of a Movie
and a Language
. Each movie will have one bi-value for each
Language emitted by the Observable<Language>
returned by the generator function
Observable<Movie> movies = movieService.getMovies();
BiObservable<Movie, Language> pairs = BiObservable.sparseProduct(movies, (Movie m) -> {
List<Languages> langs = subtitleService.getLanguagesForMovie(m);
return from(langs);
A filter predicate can be written for the first, second, or both elements of a bi-value. The following example filters all bi-values but one based on the second element.
BiObservable.generate(Observable.range(0,100), (Integer i) -> { return i == 42 ? “yep” : “nope”; })
.filter2((Boolean isAnswer) -> { return isAnswer.equals(“yep”); });
Bi-values can be mapped back to a single valued Observable
using the bimap
Observable<Integer> nums = Observable.range(0,99);
Observable<Integer> factorsOf3 = i) -> {return i * 3;});
Observable<Integer> factorsOf5 = BiObservable.attach(nums, 5).biMap((Integer i, Integer factor) -> {return i * factor;});
You can replace a single element of a bi-value at a time. The map1(Func1)
overloads replace the first element of the bi-values, while the map2(Func1)
and map2(Func2)
replace the second.
BiObservable<String, MyMovieService> pair = BiObservable.attach(getAllMovies(), MyMovieService())
.map1((Movie m, MyMovieService service) -> { return service.getSynopsis(m); });
The scan1
and scan2
operators will replace the first or second element of a bi-value
respectively with the result of the provided accumulator function. This will preserve
the second element for each bi-value. Note that scanning over a bi-value cannot emit the
provided seed value as the pre-computation onNext because there is no second element of
the bi-value to emit.