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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 3, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Sampling Decision Assistant

This tool is no longer under development.


Use either nmp or yarn to install dependencies
yarn install or npm install

Serving locally

npm run start

Deploying remotely

The project is linked to a remote firebase server for deployment. The master github branch is linked to TravisCI and will automatically deploy the master branch on commit.

Build notes

Custom build scripts in place to allow for automatic population of service worker assets and enable production build. Build with: npm run build:prod This will also start the firebase server on port 5000 to check for errors

Updating changelog

pages/changelog/version.ts -> version number and date pages/changelog/ -> changelog markdown pages/changelog/changelog.html -> rendered html of changelog (currently manually generated)


External package vis.js is used for tree diagrams. Due to hammer.js conflicts it is not imported from npm and instead sits in the /assets/js folder. To update to latest version download and place in the folder.


Currently only installed to show images from roadmap. Can remove alongside font awesome if not required in future. (font awesome loaded from index.html with files in assets/js/fontawesome)


Docs are generated using compodoc build: npm run doc:build serve: npm run doc:serve build and serve: npm run doc:buildandserve Served docs available at http://localhost:8080

Service worker

Service worker (with workbox)

Custom icons Additional icons imported individually (could be converted into auto script, but for now there aren't many) SVG icons can be found at or Icons placed in assets/img/icons folder and imported in app.scss

Workspace suggestions

Editor: VSCode Extensions: angular2-inline