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KLASS Subsets REST service, written in Java using a PostgreSQL database


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KLASS Subsets REST Service, implemented in Spring Boot.

This API serves to store, search and maintain KLASS subsets ("uttrekk").

As a database we use a PostgreSQL instance. Currently, Google's CloudSQL managed service is used.

This service replaced a Node.js prototype, which can be found at:

API documentation

This API mimics the KLASS Classifications API in many ways.

Swagger UI OpenAPI definition for subsets-api on prod-bip-app.


This version of the API treats the information relation to the Classification Subset Series (metadata about a subset) separately from the information related to the Classification Subset Versions (containing the code list) that belong to the series. Calls with side effects (POST, PUT and DELETE calls) are prefixed with /auth. This is an artifact of the fact that these calls are restricted with Istio end user authorization. In production, only logged in subsets-client users can reach these endpoints.

  • POST /auth/v2/subsets without any subset versions inside it to create a new subset series. See example of valid subset series POST/PUT requests in the "subset data structure" section below.
  • PUT /auth/v2/subsets/{seriesID} to edit the series. PUT requests to the series can not edit or add versions.
  • POST /auth/v2/subsets/{seriesID}/versions to add a Version to a Series. See example of valid versions in the "subset data structure" section below.
  • PUT /auth/v2/subsets/{seriesID}/versions/{version}to edit a version. {version} is a unique identifier generated at POST time.
  • GET /v2/subsets/{seriesID}/codes to retrieve a list of the codes that are valid today.
    • Optional query parameters "from" and "to" take dates on form "YYYY-MM-DD". When both are given, a list containing all codes that are valid in all versions from the "from" date to the "to" date will be returned. Example: GET /v2/subsets/{seriesID}/codes?from=2019-11-02&to=2020-03-20
  • GET /v2/subsets/{seriesID}/codesAt?date=YYYY-MM-DD to retrieve a list of the codes valid on the given date
  • GET /v2/subsets/{seriesID}/versions to retrieve a list of all versions of this subset
  • GET /v2/subsets/{seriesID}/versions/{version} to retrieve the version with the UID version, or the UID seriesID_version if it exists
  • Where it makes sense there are optional includeDrafts and includeFuture boolean parameters. includeDrafts includes versions of subsets that are not currently published. includeFuture includes versions of subsets that will only be valid from a future date.


At the moment we allow for complete deletion of subset series and versions, for development purposes. This will be restricted later on.

  • DELETE /auth/v2/subset/{seriesID} will delete the series and all versions related to it
  • DELETE /auth/v2/subset/{seriesID}/versions/{versionID} will delete the version

Subset data structure

A description to the subset data structure is available here GET /v2/subsets/schema.

This is an example of the contents of a valid POST to auth/v2/subsets:

	"description": [
        	{"languageCode":"nb", "languageText":"tekst på norsk bokmål"}, 
        	{"languageCode":"en", "languageText":"text in english"}
	"name": [
        	{"languageCode":"nb", "languageText":"fullt navn på norsk bokmål"}, 
        	{"languageCode":"en", "languageText":"full name in english"}
	"administrativeDetails": [
        	{"administrativeDetailType":"DEFAULTLANGUAGE", "values":["nb"]}
	"owningSection":"700 it",
	"classificationFamily":"Some Family"

The field id needs to contain a unique identifier for the series. Legal characters are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and -. At least one description and one name must be given, in the default language.

Once a subset series has been successfully created, you can add versions to it. This is an example of a valid POST to auth/v2/subsets/UID_for_dette_uttrekket_1/versions after the POST request of the series above has been made:

      		"classificationId": "131",
      		"code": "1144",
      		"rank": "1",
      		"level": "1",
      		"name": "Kvitsøy",
      		"validFromInRequestedRange": "2020-10-19",
      		"validToInRequestedRange": "2021-10-19"
	"versionRationale": [
        	{"languageCode":"nb", "languageText":"versjon rasjonale på norsk bokmål"}, 
        	{"languageCode":"en", "languageText":"version rationale in english"}

If you want the server to delete any fields with names that do not fit in the schema instead of returning a Bad Request code, you can use the request parameter ignoreSuperfluousFields.

When the administrative status is DRAFT, anything in the version is subject to change, and it is possible to have an empty codes array. If the status is OPEN on the other hand, the only change possible is this: If validUntil is not set to anything, you are allowed to set it.

The validFromInRequestedRange of a code indicates the earliest point in the subset version's validity period (starting at validFrom) where this code with this name and level is also valid. If the code with this name and level is valid from some point before the subset version's validFrom date, then the validFromInRequestedRange of the code will be equal to the validFrom of the subset version.

The validToInRequestedRange of a code indicates the latest point in the subset version's validity period (ending with validUntil) where this code with this name and level is also valid. If the code with this name and level is valid from some point after the subset version's validUntil date, then the validToInRequestedRange of the code will be equal to the validUntil of the subset version.

If we GET v2/subsets/UID_for_dette_uttrekket_1 the response will look like this:

  "classificationFamily": "Some Family",
  "classificationType": "Subset",
  "createdDate": "2020-11-10",
  "id": "UID_for_dette_uttrekket_1",
  "lastModified": "2020-11-10T15:23:42Z",
  "owningSection": "700 it",
  "statisticalUnits": [
  "versions": [
  "administrativeDetails": [
      "administrativeDetailType": "DEFAULTLANGUAGE",
      "values": [
  "description": [
      "languageCode": "nb",
      "languageText": "tekst på norsk bokmål"
      "languageCode": "en",
      "languageText": "text in english"
  "name": [
      "languageCode": "nb",
      "languageText": "fullt navn på norsk bokmål"
      "languageCode": "en",
      "languageText": "full name in english"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/v2/subsets/UID_for_dette_uttrekket_1"

versions will be an array of links to subset versions that are members of this series. Date of creation and last time of modification have been automatically stamped by the server.

If we GET the subset version that we just created (/v2/subsets/UID_for_dette_uttrekket_1/versions/UID_for_dette_uttrekket_1_e815e953-90dc-4103-b592-0f3b231dfeb3) the response will look like this:

  "administrativeStatus": "DRAFT",
  "createdDate": "2020-12-22",
  "lastModified": "2020-12-22T12:12:27Z",
  "subsetId": "UID_for_dette_uttrekket_1",
  "validFrom": "2020-10-19",
  "validUntil": "2021-10-19",
  "versionId": "6b23ba81-b90c-4b6a-92ca-06d16ab7bd53",
  "statisticalUnits": [
  "codes": [
      "classificationId": "131",
      "code": "1144",
      "level": "1",
      "rank": "1",
      "validFromInRequestedRange": "2020-10-19",
      "validToInRequestedRange": "2021-10-19",
      "classificationVersions": [
      "name": [
          "languageCode": "nb",
          "languageText": "Kvitsøy"
          "languageCode": "nn",
          "languageText": "Kvitsøy"
          "languageCode": "en",
          "languageText": "Kvitsøy"
  "versionRationale": [
      "languageCode": "nb",
      "languageText": "versjon rasjonale på norsk bokmål"
      "languageCode": "en",
      "languageText": "version rationale in english"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/v2/subsets/UID_for_dette_uttrekket_1/versions/6b23ba81-b90c-4b6a-92ca-06d16ab7bd53"
    "series": {
      "href": "/v2/subsets/UID_for_dette_uttrekket_1"

Version UID

The version has gotten an automatically generated v4 UUID version id, stored in the field versionId. Combining the subsetId and the versionId number will give us a version UID. If we want to GET the version entity.

Classification versions of codes

Observe that at this point the single code included in our version has a new field called classificationVersions. This field was generated when the version was POSTed. The classificationVersions array in each code contains a link to each classification version that was valid and had this exact name and level in the subset version's validity period at the time of creation. When a subset version has a validity period extending into the future, it might be that a new version of a classification comes out that also contains that code, or does not contain that code, or that makes edits to that code. Storing an array of versions that existed and contained the code in the validity period at the time of creation ensures our ability to detect and resolve possible conflicts and changes to the code, and to avoid including unintended versions of a code.

Names of codes

When a code is posted to a version, its names in all languages are retrieved from KLASS API and stored with the code. When using a GET request that returns codes at any level, you can use the request parameter language with the value nb (norsk bokmål) or nn (norsk nynorsk) or en (english), to receive the codes with only a string value of the selected language in the "name" field. The default value of the parameter is all, which returns the codes with the array of MultilingualText objects.

Connecting to the Database and KLASS

To function this service needs to be able to connect to a Postgres instance, and the KLASS Classifications API.

For the postgres instance, a connection to localhost:5432 is attempted. If an external instance is used, a proxy is set up.

The live production KLASS Classifications API at is used by subsets-api. Only GET calls are made to this service, but be weary that excessive use and testing of subsets-api will create real load for the KLASS Classifications API.

Testing against PostgreSQL locally

The docker-compose.yml file can be used to launch a PostgreSQL instance that will be reached by subsets-api when running or testing locally.