This project uses webpack to transpile/build out SCSS and JS. Unless we explicitly state otherwise, please include all of Bootstrap 4 (it is included in this sample project) and use Bootstrap 4's grid system for creating the project's layout.
The JS entry point is ./src/js/app.js it is transpiled from ES6 to JS that can run in today's browser using Babel. Please keep your JS as modular as possible.
- this document should do the following:
- include your SCSS starting point(s)
- reference any application level JS
- include any JS modules using ES6 import statements
Feel free to use any JS modules, just make use an npm package if available and import them properly
The SCSS entry point is in ./src/scss/main/scss and has the following files:
- add any app level styles here_variables.scss
- add any app level variables here_imports.scss
- add any external SCSS libraries here (e.g. bootstrap)_mixins.scss
- add any mixins you are using in your pejectpartials/components/
this directory is where you store your component level stylespartials/base/
this directory is where you store any base level, e.g. for use on a HTML document that is going to be used as part of a template
Important Note about SCSS
Please use BEM (see as much as possible and keep your SCSS as modular as possible, i.e. 1 file to 1 module. I have included an example that demonstrates both our BEM and modular approach in ./src/scss/partials/components/_minibio.scss
make sure you have node (and npm) installed on the machine you are running this
from the root directory run
npm install
to build the project, you have 3 options
npm run build:local:watch
- this sets up build out your SCSS/JS in development mode (sourcemaps, etc). It remains running and watches any JS/SCSS files in their respective ./src/ directorynpm run build:local
- this sets up build out your SCSS/JS in development mode (sourcemaps, etc) and does not watch filesnpm run build
- this sets up build out your SCSS/JS in production mode (fully compact, without sourcemaps, etc)
run a local webserver and point it to the root directory, e.g. from the root of this project
php -S localhost:8000
and then visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser