This is a Clojure wrapper for Spotify's docker-client library.
Well, the docker-client library is cool, but it's not very Clojure-friendly because it uses varargs in multple places, inner classes, etc. This wrappers also simplifies the API because it only exposes the subset of the library i'm currently using.
If you want to connect to local docker (via unix socket):
(def client (make-client))
If you want to connect to a remote docker instance, one of the options is to run socat
to expose the docker's unix socket via TCP, open SSH tunnel to it, and then connect to the local end of the tunnel.
On the server where the docker is running, run this:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -d --name socat -p 2375:2375 anthonydahanne/docker-socat
Then open the SSH tunnel from your local machine:
ssh -f <user>@<remote-host> -L 2375:localhost:2375 -N
And then you can connect to the local end of the tunnel like this:
(def client (make-client "http://localhost:2375/"))
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