Dataset Name: starjob130k.json
Number of Entries: 130,000
Number of Fields: 5
- Type: int64
- Number of Unique Values: 16
- Type: int64
- Number of Unique Values: 16
- Type: object
- Number of Unique Values: 130,000
- Initial description of the problem detailing the number of jobs and machines involved.
- Type: object
- Number of Unique Values: 130,000
- Description of the problem in LLM format
- Type: object
- Number of Unique Values: 130,000
- Solution in LLM format: 130,000
- Type: object
- Number of Unique Values: 130,000
- Input problem OR-Tool makspan and solution in Matrix format
This dataset can be used for training LLMs for job-shop scheduling problems (JSSP). Each entry provides information about the number of jobs, the number of machines, and other relevant details formatted in natural language.
Follow these instructions to create a virtual environment and install the necessary libraries.
python3 -m venv llm_env
Activate the Virtual Environment After creating the virtual environment, activate it using the following command:
On Windows
On macOS and Linux
source llm_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure to put dataset.json under data directory
This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). For more details, see the license description. The dataset will remain accessible for an extended period.