Releases: stanleyhlng/mocha-multi-reporters
Release 1.5.1
Release 1.5.0
First release after a long time of no maintenance, brings this package current with the cypress-multi-reporters changes over
the last couple of years.
Release v1.1.7
#42 Cleaning up the dependencies (@wojtekerbetowski)
#43 Bump version to 1.1.7 (@stanleyhlng)
#44 Upgraded debug module from 2.x to 3.x (@stanleyhlng)
#45 Update node.js version for the travis build (@stanleyhlng)
#46 Ignore .nyc_output (@stanleyhlng)
Release v1.1.6
#39 Added support to load reporters from a path (absolute or relative) (@afshinhm)
#40 Update year from 2016 to 2017 (@stanleyhlng)
#41 Bump version to 1.1.6 (@stanleyhlng)
Release v1.1.5
[] Support done methods (@chris-goodchild)
[] Bump version to 1.1.5 (@stanleyhlng)
Release v1.1.4
- [] assume reporterOptions holds all options if configFile is !defined (@gjw)
- [] Bump version to 1.1.4 (@stanleyhlng)
Release v1.1.3
- [] Allow for custom options via Js file (@hiddentao)
- [] Bump version to 1.1.3 (@stanleyhlng)
- [] Use unique test suite name and test case name (@stanleyhlng)
/cc @etast
Release v1.1.2
- [] Inherit from Base reporter so that process exit code is correct (@hiddentao)
- [] Add unit test for exceptions (@stanleyhlng)
- [] Bump version to 1.1.2 (@stanleyhlng)
/cc @etast
Release v1.1.0
- [] Support custom external reporters
- [] Update dev-dependencies
- [] Update version to 1.1.0
- [] Update to lodash v4
- []
Include latest 5.x and 6.x build for node_js