aufi is a service for image upload, retrieval and resizing.
Aufi takes its configuration from either the environment variable EDN_CONFIG
or a file. In both cases data is expected to be an EDN map as outlined in
with the minimal configuration being:
{:s3 {:bucket "aufi-production-01"}}
AWS credentials are fetched using the DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain
Aufi can be bundled as an Uberjar using:
$ lein uberjar
Afterwards, it can be started directly, e.g.:
$ java -Xmx256m -Xms256m -jar aufi-standalone.jar "config.edn"
09.08.2016 17:47:54.705 [sfys] [aufi.system.httpd] INFO - server is running on 0:9876 ...
Alternatively, the service can be run from the REPL:
(require '[aufi.core :as aufi])
(aufi/start "config.edn")
In both cases, if the config file is omitted (or given as nil
) the
environment variable EDN_CONFIG
will be accessed.
Aufi uses SLF4J for logging and includes Logback as its
implementation. An example of a configuration file can be found at
Alternatively, you can replace Logback with an SLF4J-compatible logger of your choice.
Images can be uploaded using a POST
request to /v1/images
. Image data should
be sent in the request body without any preprocessing or extra encoding; cf.
curl's -d
and --data-binary
$ curl -i http://localhost:9876/v1/images --data-binary @image.jpg
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2016 16:18:21 GMT
Location: /v1/images/e7cb0532-98f1-4d57-825f-c66765d3a4a6
Server: Aleph/0.4.1
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
The uploaded image is now available at the path returned in the Location
Aufi offers the following query parameters to control scaling of the requested image:
They can be combined to achieve the following results:
max-height |
height |
none | |
max-width |
scale into width/height bounds | ⚡ | scale down to maximum width |
width |
⚡ | crop centrally to exact dimensions | scale exactly to given width |
none | scale down to maximum height | scale exactly to given height | original image |
Aufi allows you to add any kind of path after the image location, so the following URIs point at the same image:
This can be useful to tackle e.g. some SEO requirements.
The service health can be checked via one of the following paths:
The default timeout is 1000
, representing 1000ms.
Contributions are always welcome. Please take a look at our Contribution Guidelines for a quick overview of how your changes can best make it to master.
Copyright © 2016 stylefruits GmbH
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.